XBoard is a Legendary Board. It can be unlocked after finding all 5 developers hidden in the map.
Developer Locations[]
- The first developer is hiding under the Bridge leading to Blox City. (didi1147)
- The second developer can be found at the top of the second Pyramid in the Wild West (goro7)
- The third developer can be found under the UFO in Area 51 (CovenK)
- The fourth developer can be found under the Pirate Ship underwater. (Thexz)
- The fifth developer can be found inside the Ice Cave, frozen in blue ice. (MakkieMon)
Didi1147 under the Blox City Bridge
Goro7 on the pyramid in the Wild West
CovenK behind a UFO in Area 51
Thexz under a ship Underwater
MakkieMon frozen in ice inside the Ice Cave