The formatting of the Wiki is done in an effort to create a uniform experience and smooth over navigation purposes throughout the Wiki. This page will outline all of the best practices in terms of what pages should look like in the wiki and may change over time as the wiki develops. Though, because of how formatting works, some pages may have different formatting than what is described below depending on the need.
In general, formatting of pages comes down to looks and because of that, no formatting mistakes will cause form of punishment in terms of warnings or bans. We encourage everyone to help out the best they can and know a first time editor doesn't care to learn everything about the wiki before stepping in. Just to reiterate, no formatting mistake will be punished under any circumstances.
File Naming
All files uploaded to the wiki should be properly named to help people find them faster, because this can be tricky at times.
We are currently sticking to a basic naming scheme of the most important file per a page (the one in the top right) being named as "[Title Of The Page].png" and other ones in the page as "[Title Description Of Image].png" or "[Description Of Image Title].png". As for videos, we are currently not using any video files in the wiki except in rare cases so please do not upload them.
Examples -
Photo Formatting
To keep pages looking consistant, any image or infobox to be displayed at the top for easy viewing should be located in the top right hand corner of the page and located before anything else in the source code (if you don't know how to do this, that is fine). Many times people try to include the Infobox after the first lines of the page which leads to weird spacing and such. If you see this problem in a page, you can Edit Source and move some things around to fix it.
When adding other photos to a page whether in the middle or the end, either use it on the right side for supplemental images to the info with text wrap on, or if the images are stand alone, centered without text wrapping. The same thing with standalone images applies to horizontal images that would take up the entire width of the page and also galleries.
Pets, Items, and Boards
These pages usually have a lot of detail on them and vary quite a bit in terms of what information is needed.
As a common rule, always lead within the first couple words with the title of the page in Bold and then follow with a description of the item, including where it is found, what it does (for items), and it's rarity. Following other pages with similar content is a good way to keep this all consistant.
Trivia section should be kept for special information not directly known about the item from in-game experience, like it being part of a theme or coming from a concept idea on discord.
A gallery of images will be underneath the last set of text in a board page to help users see the board used and it's corresponding trail.
Please DO NOT include any information in regards to levels and stats (other then maybe saying in the description of the pet it's maxed stats if notable) in a pet page.
Examples -
Lava Java - Example of a Pet page
BANNED - Example of a Board page
A lot of stuff in Ghost Simulator share similar or even exact names.
When a page would overlap with another page of that name, add, in parenthesis (), an identifier that is unique for all items involved. Usually (Board) or (Pet) will do but occasionally you may need to be creative like (2019) or (Pink). Whatever the case, there should also be a page created under the name that they share as a Disambiguation page with {{disambig}} at the top and a list of items someone could be searching for.
Occasionally, like with Events identifiers, pages are kept as a descriptor of it rather then a parenthical addition. Also, a link at the top of each page to either the disambiguation page or the item it could be confused with should be added in italics, that reads along the lines of "Not to be confused with ___".
When renaming, known as moving a page, first open the "What Links Here" special page and be sure to relink all pages that are shown there to the new page name.
Examples -
Candy - Example of Disambiguation page
Christmas Event - Example of Event identifier
Santa Bo (NPC) - Example of "Not to be confused with __"
Page Infoboxes
Infoboxes are used on pages that fall under specific categories to format and display common information about the page to a viewer.
To add an infobox to a page, you can click on the Insert dropdown on the top of the Visual Editor screen and then select the Infobox option, where you can then select which Infobox to add to a page. If you are using the source editor, you can type ”{{Infobox (Name Of Infobox)}}”.
Pet Infobox
The Pet Infobox is used on pages for Pets in Ghost Simulator. To make one, select Infobox Pets in the drop down. Upon selecting that, a page will open asking for certain fields to be filled in.