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The Blue Bunny is a NPC. It can be found in the Enchanted Jungle in the Remnant Zone.

Remnant Zone Questline[]

(Click "Collapse" to collapse the table)

Quest Tasks Reward

Well Acquainted

x10 Enchanted Loot Gum


A Mother And Father's Son

x1,000,000 Gems


Echoing Thoughts

x3 Event Bait

x5,000,000 Gems


Ghastly, that's for sure

x4 Crate Keys

x2,500,000 Gems



  • Find and complete the Heart Obby: Neon lights and an unforgiving blue hue, the gateway lies above the living ceiling

x1 Hearts Key


A Family Forged

x2,000,000 Gems

x5 Event Bait

x10 Crate Keys


The rabbit meets Alice

  • Unbox 22 Pets from the Remnant Zone Shop
  • Craft 2 recipes from the Crafting Station

x5 Spade Harbinger Lootbags


Understood, yet...

x5,000,000 Gems

... Oh so Misunderstood

x10 Enchanted X Gum


The 'what if' of it all

x5 Enchanted Boss Gum


Brother, please believe me...?

  • Find and complete the Diamond Obby: Where crystal waters fall onto stone, the brightest light shines behind

x1 Diamonds Key

Phantom Clockwork


Forsaken at no fault other than his own

x2 Event Bait


Eyes are the window to the soul

x10 Crate Keys

x2 Spade Harbinger Lootbags


Retrieve them. even if that's all we'll ever do

x10 Remnant Keydrives


Forgiveness is ephemeral

  • Find and complete the Spade Obby: A city powered by the wonders of steam and smoke, this gateway takes slumber in its warmth

x1 Spades Key


Entities, it's all we are

x14,208,000 Gems


Bugs in the code need to be fixed

x30 Remnant Keydrives


All roads lead to you

x10 Event Bait
x5 Enchanted Boss Gum


A beautiful synthesis

x30,000,000 Gems
x10 Spade Harbinger Lootbags


We were once forgotten...

  • Find and complete the Club Obby: Where forgotten sands house a ruined land, the gateway you seek rests behind its new found guardian

x1 Clubs Key


...And will never be again

Phantoms Remote Teleporter
Blue Bunny

Hearts Obby Location[]

Hearts Obby Portal

The Hearts Obby portal can be found in the Blue Forest, at the top of the trees.

Diamond Obby Location[]

Diamond Obby Portal

The Diamond Obby portal can be found in the Crystal Canyon, behind a waterfall.

Spades Obby Location[]

Spades Obby Portal

The Spades Obby portal can be found in the Scrap City, inside a smoke-filled chimney at one of the buildings.

Club Obby Location[]

Club Obby Portal

The Club Obby portal can be found in the Underwater Ruins, behind the yellow coral at the far left side of the biome.

Remnant Zone Dialogue[]

Note: All dialogue is taken exactly how it was from the game, including the coloured text.

(Click "Expand" to expand the table)

Quest Start Finished

The Player...

We've been fated to meet, however I have waited until your antenna was ready.

You may call me The Blue Bunny, and that's all I'll say for now.

We have a lot to do, and I have a lot to say.

Stick around and I have a perk you may like... a pet and hoverboard too.

So let's start this tale, shall we?


Well Acquainted

You're curious about Phantom. Why wouldn't you be?

I'm sure you've heard his name a lot during your time here, since he's important to many.

The remnants feel they owe a lot to him for what he's done, but he feels he owes them too.

They wouldn't be who they are now without him.

I'll delve more into that soon however, don't worry.

We have so much to do, so unlock access to all the bonus biomes first.

We'll need them unlocked for the quests I have for you to come, so we shall start with that.

Good job, you were quite hasty, your reputation is true.

Here's some gum, to make up for what you had used to open them.


A Mother And Father's Son

His name was Alistar...

We start with a young boy who was sick.

Because of this it was hard to make friends, and so he felt that all he had was his parents.

They had cared for him so much. They meant the world to him, as he did to them.

Sickness or not, the care they had for him had been strength for Alistar.

Enough of that for now, we can continue soon.

That perk will take work to get, but I'm sure everything I'll tell you may seem reward enough.

Vacuuming some ghosts and collecting rems should work, return once you have finished.

Good. We can continue then, here are some gems.


Echoing Thoughts

So, Alistar played in the woods often as a child.

Despite his sickness he still tried to enjoy the many things he could do.

It was in those woods he met him, a ghost. You might know where this goes...

The boy and the ghost had an unlikely friendship, joyous, right?

It wasn't long until he had now made a friend, a green, and quite nicely dressed one at that.

The relevance of him will come to light soon.

The blue forest, a beautiful irony, I'll send you there. Hearts may like to see you too.

Collect 50 Feather Leaves their sound echoes memories I'd like to envision once more.

You return swiftly, I've come to expect that.

Times good and bad are still worth reliving. Here, your reward.


Ghastly, that's for sure

Time hadn't been so kind to the boy as his condition worsened.

The ghost knew this, he could see it each day as they played together.

The boy would grow tired quicker and quicker, it was a painful sight for the ghost.

His one friend was being failed by his body.

So one night, in his hospital room the ghost visited the boy, he was elated to see him.

And the ghost had an idea, a fruit, a mix of forgotten code those developers left.

It was called the ghastly fruit.

And its capabilities, from what the ghost thought, was its ability to provide properties.

Regenerative ones.

I've talked for quite a while, we should continue.

Ectoplasm, you should be quite adept at collecting that Player.

Well done, we can continue now. I still have lots to say.

Here's crate keys and gems I'm sure you'll make good use of them.



The ghost offered to take the boy to try the fruit, maybe it could help him.

And the boy did so, but the ghost didn't know how the fruit truly worked.

He took a bite, almost instantly he felt better, better than he's ever been before.

His first thought was to rush to his parents, the news would make them so happy.

That never happened though, no it didn't. He went to see them...

But now the name Alistar was nothing to them, they didn't know who that was.

In fact, no one knew who Alistar was. He felt that he was a hollow shell of who he used to be.

Only the ghost recognised him now, why? It eluded both of them.

Alistar was forgotten that day, and now Phantom now existed. With Bo by his side.


The keys, we should get started with them.

For now we'll collect the hearts one, you've spent time there you may have found it already.

A place of Neon lights and an unforgiving blue hue, the gateway lies above the living ceiling.

Find the gateway and collect the key, return once you do so.

It's a strange place right? Everything crashing into one place.

From what I've found I believe they're asset areas from when the Developers were building.

The assets left behind sort of crashed and broke in these unstable almost mini dimensions.

Anyways, here's the key, keep it safe.


A Family Forged

That was quite a lot, this story is only just beginning. However I need a bit of time.

I wish to figure out the location of the location of the second portal, I'm sure it isn't far from the first one.

And I want to collect my thoughts a bit... After all of that...

We'll begin on the second chapter of this story soon don't worry.

For now, I'd like you to pay a visit to the members of RAM, spend some time with them.

I hear they speak well of you, Player, you know that? Well mostly, Diamonds‡ isn't so sure.

However, their feelings towards you won't affect what means we must take for our goal.

That of which you'll find out soon too...

There's lots of ghosts to collect, that'll keep you busy.

Return when you finish and we can continue.

Your skills are good Player, I can tell. Here's your reward.


The rabbit meets Alice

And so we begin, RAM...

Then we must begin with its first member, Alice.

She was the first of RAM and any of the remnants here, Phantom met her a while ago.

When he was young, loneliness was not uncommon for him after eating the fruit.

No family, and no person knew him. So he spent time alone in that forest he once knew.

It brought about a solace that he longed to find at the time...

Ah ah, we must continue Player. I will resume when you finish your task.

Here's a different one, craft two items in the crafting table, Alice loves seeing you use it.

This time the reward...lootbags, will suffice.

She seems overjoyed. I applaud you for doing that too, those recipes aren't all easy.

Here's your reward, and don't forget a perk awaits you still.


Understood, yet...

...And then one day, as he was lost in thought, he met someone else in the forest.

Like him, she was sick too, just like he used to be. A friendly and kind person too.

Despite his friendship with Bo, Phantom never felt truly understood by him.

And it was never something he blamed either of them for, they were such different people.

But when he had met Alice, he felt like... there was someone who could understand...

And despite her sickness, Alice seemed to have an energy he never could muster himself.

It didn't take long until they became friends and visited each other often.

Well I should pause there, don't forget we still have work to do.

Telling you this doesn't benefit me as much as it does you, so I need things in return.

You're eager, this story entices you. I'm glad it does.

Here's your reward. We will continue on...


... Oh so Misunderstood

...Alice and Phantom also went to the Remnant Zone when they weren't in the forest.

It was there she met Bo too, they were such free spirits, misunderstood by their homes.

They began to learn more of each other, Alice had a brother, whom she cared about deeply.

Apparently he was very studious, science drove him to try anything to cure his sister.

Despite how admirable his effort was, it began to seem useless...

...Hopeless...It felt all too familiar to Phantom...


We should continue on. Player. You should go about and get some of those Remnant Coins.

They're strange, I have no idea what they are, but the convertor simply produces them.

Collect 100,000,000 Remnant Coins that should be good.

Great job, we can continue on.

Here is your reward...


The 'what if' of it all

...So he felt he had a duty to tell her of the fruit. It might work. Maybe?

But he couldn't spare her the pain of it, he wasn't sure, what if everyone would forget her too?

And what if... he would forget her? It was selfish to think of himself, he realises that now.

But it was while watching her suffer, that distrurbed memories he wished he could forget...

...urged him on, to consider the 'what if', of eating the fruit...

...I think we should pause for now. You probably should go and do something.

I was getting distracted then, and you need a task.

Ectoplasm, yes. Jack told me she needed as much as she could get her hands on.

However that's what your job will now be, a reward awaits, as always.

Vacuum ghosts from areas of the Remnant Zone and return promptly,

Splendid, this will make Jack quite excited. She's quite particular about her ectoplasm.

Hence the weird amounts, anyways here.


Brother, please believe me...?

It was when they met next, Phantom told her of his escape, from what burdens her.

The potential of the Fruit and how it cured him. It could save her too.

In an attempt to spare her the pain however, he asked her to bring whoever she wished.

Maybe if they were with her when she tried it, they wouldn't forget.

Just maybe he thought...

That night she asked the only person that mattered the most to her. Blaze.

You'll find out what happened after that soon Player. It's time to collect another key.

It's been a while since the last one, and I have formulated my riddle this time.

Where crystal waters fall, the brightest light shines behind, your gateway lies there.

Goodluck Player, I'm sure you will find it. It's time you got half of your reward too.

Excellent, this key seems in good condition. Here is it back, and your hoverboard.


Forsaken at no fault other than his own

So she had asked, her brother didn't believe a word she had said.

Talk of portals, magical worlds with magical fruits, told by a boy from another world...

It did not bode well with him, he blamed it on his sister's sickness.

Which only broke her heart more... She left that night, and met Phantom.

And they left for the Grove, where the fruit was found. Then the portal closed behind them.

Blaze, who had followed his sister, was alone now, aware of the truth.

I had never understood what happened to him after that day...

It is time, these moments get shorter and shorter. I have enticed you, but we must continue.

This shall continue further soon, we move into Fighting the Harbinger.

A test as we progress in my tasks. Return for a reward

Indeed you are quite formidable Player, a worthy holder of it...

Here's your reward for such a fight.


Eyes are the window to the soul

Upon entering into the Grove both of them approached the tree where the fruit was.

Phantom hadn't warned her of the effects of the fruit, he was worried it would deter her.

Her body was failing and he couldn't watch her suffer any longer. It was selfish of him.

Selfish, I know. She deserved to know did she not?

...Anyways, she ate the fruit. Then, she had felt better, like Phantom did.

But within seconds, he vividly remembers it still. The way she looked at him...Changed.

It changed, as if she didn't know him. At all. Memories gone...

It happened again. Phantom felt he turned back into a frightened little boy, alone again.

It was this time, she, had forgotten him...

A-and it was his fault. He should have told her, she deserved that much...

...I'd like to recollect myself Player. I just need a bit of time...

Unbox some pets, and vacuum ghosts maybe. That works. Return when you finish.

You return quickly, almost guaranteed. Here is your reward.


Retrieve them, even if that's all we'll ever do

That day, a vow was made by Phantom.

A vow to get her memories back, to bring Alice herself back.

They must be retrievable, all things in the game can be fixed, it was up the devs.

Them. They had the power to resolve this, but he could not escape the confines of this world.

This old world, of the old story.

And so he had to do something. He had to...


...Yes player, RAM... because it is our goal, our new purpose once they were forgotten.

They make it their mission to do so.

I feel after that you would need some time, I've heard the theories passed around.

Once you return I will tell you, who they are.

I'd say Vacuum ghosts and Convert Gems, we have another key to find soon, so be quick.

Remnant Keydrives, they may be useful to you. Spend them how you wish.

And now I can begin on who the people of RAM are.


Forgiveness is ephemeral

RAM is made up of many like Phantom, we have all been forgotten to some extent.

After the incident Phantom had donned a mask, Bo did too.

Bo took care of Alice, looked after her, while he fulfilled his mission that he promised.

Phantom delved into the ways by which he could retrieve her memories.

Along the way he had met many like him, misfits. They needed homes, a family, as he did too.

They were part of the old story, so incomplete as well, unfinished and left by the devs.

They joined the cause as he explained who Alice was, and what he had done to cause it.

He would not forgive himself until her memories were found.

Because only then could she be the one to forgive him instead...

We must collect that key Player. It's our third suit, the Spades key.

A city powered by the wonders of steam and smoke

this gateway takes slumber in its warmth..., return promptly and we can continue.

Excellent. We inch closer to the end, and you will receive your perk , but only for now.

Here is the key, keep it safe as you have the others.


Entities, it's all we are

In the time he had spent researching, Phantom, managed to uncover more about the fruit.

It was strange to him, it's abilities seemed almost endless as it was a mix of bug ridden code.

He ensured none of the other members of RAM had taken the fruit either when he met them.

Its unpredictability was too much to risk, especially after what he had already done.

After much work, he had uncovered what the fruit had done to him, and potentially Alice.

As the fruit is consumed, the regenerative properties of ghosts are applied to the consumer.

The way by which it does this is by redefining what 'entity' they are.

I seem to be losing you, I understand this seems confusing.

Take a break, return when you finish. Collect items and vacuum some ghosts.

Splendid, we can continue on, I will tell you about this fruit once more.

It's vital to our tale


Bugs in the code need to be fixed

The fruit, it redefines what type of character the consumer is

It deems you to be a ghost, so that the game assumes it should provide you with-

-Properties a ghost should have, like regeneration, enough to cure sickness

So when Phantom ate the fruit, he had essentially turned into a ghost. When he returned...

...Those who once knew him, didn't know of this ghost, they knew a human called Alistar.

And the bugs in his code remained after, they corrupted those memories further.

To the point that his name meant nothing to them after...

That, it how the ghastly fruit works, it changes who you are internally forever.

I hope you understand Player, it has had such a large impact on them, a huge impact.

It is time we return to work, as I have said, our time draws to a close soon. Until next time.

So for now, you must defeat the Remnant Guardian 3 times, and return.

An amazing fight, well done. Here are keydrives to add to your collection.


All roads lead to you

So now you know what has brought about RAM, do you question where you fit in?

Finding out about the fruit wasn't the only purpose of his reasearch.

He had aimed to find a new way to retrieve Alice's memories.

Asking the devs was impossible, and leaving was not even an idea in the first place.

As he had delved deeper into finding out, all roads, they lead to you.

Do you remember your fight with them?

When they had tried to delete you, but you valiantly stopped them, and saved the day. Right?

Well when you hadn't been fully deleted, a piece of code, it remained within you.

A piece of code, that was the key, to retrieving Alice's memories...

Yes, it's within you Player...

Now, we must continue. A run through the castle, vacuum ghosts and return.

Excellent, I have event bait and boss gum, I have heard you find it useful.


A beautiful synthesis

How it was done was a great effort from all of RAM.

It started with Spades, in the backdoor. When you had both met, it was only the beginning.

He had helped you in your journey across the backdoor, until you were able to go to the void.

It was there you had met Alice, it was her choice too.

She wanted to meet the one RAM had said so much about. So she waited, until you came.

Once you had rebirthed, you started to facilitate a crack in the code.

The old world was able to start breaching through, the Remnant Zone was close to you now.

And as you continued in the Backdoor, Queen had coerced Rose with visions of here.

And then in turn the associates had managed to enter the Remnant Zone.

And we come to here. Now. Where we meet.

We inch closer and closer to the end of this meeting... So we must continue.

Next we will collect our last key, but now Collect these ghosts, there are lots, return quickly.

Our final true task is close, the last key. Then you can receive your perk.

Here is your reward.


We were once forgotten...

We begin to draw our story to a close.

The past has been told and we do not know what the future holds for either of us.

But I know we will meet soon, I will ensure it, as a climax awaits us.

I, Phantom, will greet you when you come to where it all began.

I have ensured that you know my reasoning now, before we fight.

So you know what I am fighting for...

The last key, Where forgotten sands house a ruined land.

The gateway you seek rests behind its new found guardian.

The final key, you have all four now.

The last thing you must do now is use them...


...And will never be again

The final task.

The next time we meet won't be as pleasant, but I believe in a fair fight.

And that neither side is ever truly right.

Now all I ask of you, is to head to the journal room in my castle.

It will tell you all I have left to say.

I assume you have read what you wished to.

Our time here was useful, and the work we did was to ensure the foe I face is formidable.

Player, you are formidable. I am glad it won't be an easy fight.

It's what Alice deserves.

Additional Quotes

Unfinished Quest Quotes

  • (The blue glow is emits is mesmerising, almost hypnotic with its brightness)
  • (The bunny's eyes are wistful, unfocussed)

Post-Quest Quotes

  • (Crisp Autumn leaves crunch around you, the dancing sound feels like it encircles you)
  • (The lone echoes of the past a brought about by the wind)

‡ Incorrect spelling of Diamond


Rabbit Form[]

Human Form[]
