Phantom's Second Journal is the second book of Phantom's Journals. It can be found in the Hidden Caverns.
Section | Dialogue |
Introduction |
(A second journal, this one seems to have been victim to more wear and tear than the last) (The pages are damp and blotched with water droplets, the cavern air likely the cause) (The entries here are exclusively signed "-P", that "A" person doesn't seem present here) (The rustic, auburn cover resembles the other journal, a gilded title reads 'A Hidden Cavern') 'I've been wandering for hours. I think... Time marches differently here compared to home...' 'Well what was once my home... It's not anymore. This place is now my home.' 'Bo is careful with his words, he doesn't want me to feel trapped here' 'Though it often still arises on the rare occasions I bring up-' (The word 'home' was written here, however it's been riddled with violent scribbles) (There are deep indents where the scribbles are, you can see the anger in his pen strokes) (You read on past the scribbles, they cover half of another sentence) '-dimly lit here. There's water pooling around the vegetation that adorns the walls and floors.' 'Amidst it all there's a profound beauty. Even if the humidity makes being here uncomfortable.' 'Often times I graze my hand over the wooden planks that accentuate the caverns' 'Their damp, beveled edges allow all fear of splinters to melt away, it's a comforting feeling' 'One I hadn't often felt before, back there.' 'Contrary to how it might look, the wood manages to forsake the color and callous feeling- -that the grey, barren stones would have created. Instead it forms a cozy atmosphere' 'It's nice, but I can't live here. The humidity isn't great for my hair if I'm being fully honest.' 'Bo did mention a crypt of sorts behind the walls of the cavern, that might suffice.' 'It's fully buried in stone, only the entrance exposed to the outside air.' 'So it might be hard to find, but I'd prefer staying there than here, once I clear the spiders out.' 'I hate spiders.' (The Crypt?) (It's not buried in stone anymore, that's for sure) (It seems that it has been the first to undergo the effects of The Remnant Zone collapsing) (You begin to question when this journal was written, it clearly must have been a while ago) (The journal entry pretty much ends there) (However there's a piece of paper embedded into the pages, towards the back) (The handwriting is different, a bit more refined, but it's irrefutably the work of '-P') (It says...) 'Note to self: Destroy this ASAP' 'R.A.M cannot find out about the Hideout' (Closing the back cover, it's just as damp as the front) (You know there's more journals, Phantom seemed to document a lot about his time here) |
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