Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Pet Storage 01

See also: Pet Storage, Board Storage

Pet Slots can be accessed by clicking the Inventory button on the right side of the screen, and selecting the "Pets" tab at the top of the window. These are how many pets you can actively have equipped at a time. Equipping a pet boosts your vacuum/disruptor speed and currency exchange rate, and equipped pets gain XP points the more they are used. (exception: see "Cosmetic Slots" below)

New players start with 3 available pet slots in their inventory. To "use" (aka "Equip") a pet slot, click on the pet that you want to use in your inventory, and then click the "Equip" button. Click on the slot you want to equip the pet to, and the pet will be equipped in the slot. You can unequip a pet either by clicking on the pet and then clicking the "Unequip" button, or by "Equipping" a different pet in the same slot, replacing/unequipping the previous pet.

Below are ways to gain additional pet slots:

As of update v1.124.0, the max pet slots a player can obtain is 6 slots, letting them equip 6 pets at one time.

"Cosmetic" Slots[]

Players get as many cosmetic slots as they have total slots. Cosmetic slots visually override what pets are equipped and hovering behind the player's avatar, but pets in cosmetic slots do not earn XP and their stats do not affect the player.

Cosmetic slots can only be equipped after the regular slots have been filled. If the regular slots are empty, the pet will be equipped to the regular slot instead of the cosmetic slot.

Benefits of cosmetic slots are so that players can use whatever pets they find visually pleasing or that matches their current asthetic to float behind them in game (even if they are low in stats), while still using high-stat pets in the regular slots to take advantage of their stat boost.


  • Prior to v1.137.0, players could visually "duplicate" pets by utilizing the cosmetic slots. This was fixed due to players causing mass amounts of lag upon the servers.