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To view Green Elf's previous questlines, please see the following links;

Green Elf is an NPC located in the Frozen Lake Bonus Biome of the North Pole during the 2024 Christmas Event. He rewarded Snow-Cleaner-2000 and Jolly Ride at the end of his questline.

2024 Questline[]

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Quest Tasks Reward

Checking in the Back

  • Vacuum 25 Handy Elf Ghosts from Gift Depot
  • Vacuum 10 Gift Sneak Ghosts from Gift Depot

Winter Clean-Up

  • Vacuum 30 Snow Piles

All Hands on Deck

  • Vacuum 35 Mini Elves
  • Remove 20 Snow Piles

A Light Snack

  • Find the fruitcake in the Festive Village

Snow Business

  • Vacuum 45 Snow Piles

The Office

  • Vacuum 50 Skiier Ghosts from the Ski Slope
  • Vacuum 15 Frosted Penguin Ghosts from the Ski Slope

Just a Flesh Wound

  • Find the First Aid Kit in the Gift Depot

Best Served Cold

  • Break 3 Huge Presents
  • 1x Rare Gift

Know Nothing About Ice, I'm just Snow

  • Vacuum 60 Mini Elves
  • Vacuum 40 Handy Elfs
  • Vacuum 50 Snow Piles

Can you check the tower?

  • Complete 1 Tower

A Final Push

  • Vacuum 80 Snow Piles
  • Open 10 Huge Presents

Shovel Knight

  • Retrieve the Snow Shovel from the Workshop Depot

Green Elf's Fruitcake[]

Green Elf's Fruitcake

Green Elf's Fruitcake can be found in the Festive Village, behind the dark green home at the very back.

Green Elf's Medical Kit[]

Green Elf's Medical Kit

Green Elf's Medical Kit can be found in the Gift Depot, behind the trees near the decommissioned red truck.

Green Elf's Shovel[]

Green Elf's Shovel

Green Elf's Shovel can be found in the Gift Depot, inside the control center near a gated exit.

2024 Dialogue[]

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Quest Start Finish

Oh, hi, Ghost Hunter! What are you doing here?

Wait, right! The Snow Angel! You’re probably helping Head Elf, right?

I wish I could help with the Angel, but I’m on cleanup duty.

And that would be fine! I like snow! But I lost my shovel...

Can you help me?


Checking in the Back

Thank you, Ghost Hunter! I promise I will get you a gift for helping!

Uh… I think I put it in the back... maybe?

I dunno. The ghosts may have gotten it by now.

Can you ask the ghosts about the shovel? By vacuuming them?

I think that’ll work!

Oh, that didn’t work. They seem mad.


Winter Clean-up

Huh? Wha? Why am I cleaning up snow?

Blue and I had to divide cleanup duty and researching the Snow Angel.

I lost the Rock-Paper-Scissors game, so I am on cleanup.

Maybe I shouldn't go first when we play that.

What were we talking about? Oh, right! I can’t clean the snow.

Can you vacuum up some piles? I can try to scoop some up with my hands!

Snowball fight! Aha!

... oh, right, I was cleaning that up. I just made a mess. Sorry!

Just uh… take these and we can go on?


All Hands on Deck

I like snow, but this is bad! The rest of the world needs other water forms!

And I can’t do it without my shovel! I’ll forget and nothing will get done!

Head Elf... what would they do… I don’t wanna forget...

Uh! The Mini Elves! C-Can you get some to help me?

And uh… also vacuum some more snow? Pleeeeease?

I can get some snowflakes for you!

Eek! Ghosts!

Oh uh... right. I asked you to bring them...

Thanks! I need to see if they’re able to pick up the snow.


A Light Snack

The ghosts are... eating the snow? Is that healthy?

I don’t think that’s a good snack for them.

I mean, it’s helping with the snow, but this feels wrong.

Maybe I should bring them cocoa from... oh, right. Heh!

Uh... there is that spaghetti Blue got, but that’s not edible either.

Oh! There’s a fruitcake in the village! Can you get the fruitcake for them?

Yay! Now I can give them something for helping!

... uh, right! Here’s something for helping!


Snow Business

... They’re spitting out the snow into a bigger pile.

I mean, it’d be fine, but it’s right next to the lake! This won’t do!

And I still don’t remember where my shovel is!

Can you help by vacuuming more snow?

Thanks! Your pack just clears it up!

Where does it even go? Does it melt? Do you fire it back at the bosses?

Maybe we can have a snowball fight! Ough. No. The lake.

Here’s a reward!


The Office

Oh, my Elfone is ringing… It’s Head Elf! Hold on!

Oh my gosh, Head Elf, hi!

... uh-huh... I’m cleaning right now! Is Mr. Present back?

The back? ... I can send the Ghost Hunter to look! I can look for Mr. Present! Buh-bye!

You should probably check in with the back. That’s where all the gift processing happens!

Head Elf asked me to check the big presents. Meet here, okay?

I’ll try to remember to come back!

Ouch... uh... what are we doing here?

Oh! You got ghosts! What was that? Glitter on my leg?

It’s probably nothing. Here’s some snowflakes!


Just a Flesh Wound

Uh... Mr. Present almost got me. That’s why my leg is glittery.

He has glitter ribbons. But I didn’t see him until he jumped out at me!

Uh… I don’t think elves are meant to touch ghosts. My leg hurts a looooot. It’s bad!

But I think Head Elf said there was a first aid kit for us in the offices.

Can you get it? They said it has stuff for ghost encounters.

Oh! Cocoa powder! And a thermos!

It’s an elf thing, I think. We can get better with cocoa!

Huh… maybe that’s why they closed off the lake...

... sluuuuuurp...

I feel a lot better! Thank you!


Best Served Coal

... wait, why did I need this cocoa?

Oh, right! Mr. Present’s in the.. the... presents!

You gotta go quick and find him! I-I-I can get you a reward for it!

Did you find him?

You didn’t get glitter on you, right?

It’s just messy. The glitter won’t hurt me!

Right! Reward!


Know Nothing About Ice, I'm just Snow

Oh, hi, Mini Elves and other ghosties! Ah! They’re spitting up more snow!

Stop it! Who sent you back here?!

Ghost Hunter! I think the ghosts are being sent by the Angel!

You gotta vacuum more of them up before they make this worse!

And also, more of the snow. They’ve eaten it, now it’s full of ectoplasm.

Golly, I wish I had something to clear this myself...

The snow is kinda glowing... spooky...

Oh, this is why I need my shovel! It has snow-shoveling magic!

Uh... snowflaaaakes!


Can you check the tower?

I think... I am remembering something about the shovel...

Can you go check the back again? I have a feeling it’s back there.

Maybe the ghosts actually have it! You can vacuum them to check, right?

Did you see it?! Can you remind me of what you were looking for?

Right, the shovel. Did you see it?

I have to ask for you to put that thought aside. Want some snowflakes?

Of course you do! You’re a chilly little Ghost Hunter, aren’t you? Heehee!


A Final Push

There’s snow everywhere! And the Mini Elves are eyeing it up!

I won’t let them put more snow into that blockage!

... or I wouldn’t, but they’re dangerous to us…

Ghost Hunter, can you clean up the snow before the ghosts get it?

I can get you something for a reward, I think. I’ll need a minute...

I think I have a good reward for that snow pile cleaning-

Oh. You got it done? Wowzers, you are fast. I see what Head Elf says about you.

Anyway, I found these cool keys that I think you might like!


Shovel Knight

You said you saw the shovel, right?

If not, I remember! It’s in one of the offices! I put it there so I won’t forget it!

Kinda ironic, huh?

Can you get the shovel? I need to stretch first.

I have a special technique to clear snow fast! I just need the shovel!

You got it! Check this out!

Expanding Domain: Hollow-out Snow! Raaaaaah!

Aha! Snow’s gone! Thanks for helping me, Ghost Hunter!

I probably wouldn’t have done this without you! You see, I’m kinda forgetful.

... oh, right! That gift! Here ya go! Merry Chrimus!

Additional Quest Quotes Unfinished Quest Quotes
  • Golly gee... I think I left my skates in there...
  • Oh, hey Ghost Hunter! Why are you here?
  • Maybe I left it by the cocoa stand... wait.
Post-Quest Quotes
  • Go have some cocoa! It’ll help you see faster!
  • Merry Chrimus. It’s Crism! Merry Crisis! Merry Cristal.
  • Hi, Ghost Hunter! Have you seen my skates?


Green Elf Quest Name Trivia
    • Quest #6 is a reference to the show of the same name.
    • Quest #9 is a reference to the most miserable listening experience I personally have had to endure, 'Thick Of It' by KSI.
    • The dialogue "Expanding Domain: Hollow-out Snow! Raaaaaah!" is a reference to Jujutsu Kaisen.
    • The post-quest dialogue "Merry Chrimus. It’s Crism! Merry Crisis! Merry Cristal." is a reference to this Vine short

Green Elf is an NPC located in the North Pole during the 2023 Christmas Event. He rewarded Key Part #2.

2023 Questline[]

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Quest Tasks Reward

Wonderful Christmas Time

  • Clear 5 piles of snow
x50 Snowflakes

Never Such a Blizzard Before!

  • Vacuum 15 Ice Skater Ghosts
x100 Snowflakes

Head Over Heels for Christmas!

  • Vacuum 10 Ice Skater Ghosts
  • Vacuum 5 Snowman Ghosts
x150 Snowflakes

Everybody Wants To Rule the Christmas World

  • Complete the Frozen Lake Obby
x75 Snowflakes

Never Ever Let it Cool!

  • Go get some hot cocoa
x125 Snowflakes

Staying Nimble!

  • Jump through the blue ring
x50 Snowflakes

Little Saint Nick

  • Vacuum 20 Ice Skater Ghosts
x175 Snowflakes

Jingle Bell Rock With You

  • Open a pet crate from the Christmas shop
x100 Snowflakes

Christmas Spirit

  • Vacuum 10 Snowman Ghosts
x125 Snowflakes

The Lockcracker

  • Vacuum 30 Ice Skater Ghosts
  • Vacuum 15 Snowman Ghosts
x1 Lockcracker Part #2
x10 Festive Keys

2023 Dialogue[]

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Quest Start Finish

Hey, I’m Green Elf! Wait... you seem familiar aren’t you that...

Never mind I lost my train of thought who are you again? Oh right, you’re the Ghost Hunter!


Wonderful Christmas time

Head Elf did say you would be coming. I guess I just forgot. Or did I?

Regardless, help me, and I'll give you my piece of the Lockcracker.

Anyways, Pink Elf gave me some more notes that I should read to you.

Let me just bring them.. out.. oh golly me, I lost them.

Uh, no issue! I’ll just look around for them, they’re probably lost in the snow somewhere, right?

But in the meantime, could you go get the snow off the ice?

I’ll keep looking for the notes and hopefully I can find them by the time you get back.

You came back at the perfect time I found my notes!

Oh wow, and you cleaned up the ice nicely! Here take some snowflakes.


Never Such a Blizzard Before!

Alright let’s check these notes.

Oh golly me, now I remember Christmas needs saving... again.

Jingles, how many time does Christmas need saving? Anyway...

If you want the Lockcracker, you have to prove you have the spirit of Christmas.

For your first trial, go vacuum 15 Ice Skater Ghosts. Once you do, come back for a reward.

Jolly work, Ghost Hunter! I can already see your Christmas spirit!

Here, enjoy this reward.


Head Over Heels for Christmas!

If you really want to wield the Lockcracker, it ain’t no small task !

let’s see how you handle this! Go vacuum 10 Ice Skater Ghosts and 5 Snowman Ghosts.

Wowie, good work Ghost Hunter! Here, take some snowflakes.


Everybody Wants To Rule the Christmas World

Remember, if you want to save Christmas, you need to be in peak form!

You gotta stay agile if you want to dodge around! Oh, I’ve got a jolly idea!

You see the obby over there? Yeah, for your next trial, go complete the Frozen Lake Obby.

If you do, I’ll give you the reward... Jingles if I can remember where I put it.

Amazing work! And good news Ghost Hunter I found your reward!

Here, take these Snowflakes for your jolly job.


Never Ever Let it Cool!

Mmmmmmmm, I’m really craving some hot cocoa right now.

Oh and with some marshmallows and whip cream! YUM!

Weird, it feels like I've done this before. I'm usually forgetful, but... it's almost like...

Like we're stuck in some weird repeating loop. It's not normally like this.

For once my mind is actually clear, and something isn't normal, but I feel like I need to repeat.

Hey, do you think you could go grab me some hot cocoa? If you do, I’ll give you a reward!

Ahhh, nothing like a cup of cocoa, thanks again!

Here take this reward.


Staying Nimble!

My my my! You’re doing just jolly so far! Really showing your Christmas spirit!

After all this hard work, I feel you need a deserved break!

You should go check out the ski hill! It’s Blue Elf's favorite!

Once you do, come back and I’ll give you a reward.

Wowie, you look like you had a blast! Here, take some Snowflakes.


Little Saint Nick

Ok, ok, break times over! Christmas still needs to be saved!

For your next trial, I need you to go vacuum 20 Ice Skater Ghosts.

The ice is filled with ghosts and I can’t skate! I need you to clear it up.

After you are done come back and ill give you a jolly reward!

Well gosh, you did a wonderful job! Now I can skate on the ice again!

Here, enjoy your jolly reward!


Jingle Bell Rock With You

Alright, for your next trial... you will... um... uh oh.

Things are getting clearer. We're trapped... doing the same things as before.

It's all because last year's boss wasn't happy we won. Back for revenge, and a time loop.

You have to break it. I believe in you, Ghost Hunter! Head Elf will know how!

In the meantime, you should go open a pet crate!

I remember what your trial is! I was going to have you open a pet crate....

Oh well, it seems you already got that down! Good job and here take this reward!


Christmas Spirit

Wowie Ghost hunter! Your Christmas spirit is really starting to shine through!

Let’s see if it can even shine brighter like a Christmas star!

For your next trial, go vacuum 10 Snowman Ghosts. If you do, I’ll give you a reward!

Jolly work, Ghost Hunter! Here, take some Snowflakes!


The Lockcracker

The time has come for your final trial Ghost Hunter.

It’s time to prove if you have the Christmas spirit to use the Lockcracker.

Now.... for your final trial, vacuum some more ghosts.

You got this! I’m rooting for you, Ghost Hunter!

Wowie..... You have done it! On behalf of all the elves, we congratulate you!

You have proven yourself to be the true embodiment of the Christmas spirit!

Now it’s all up to you Ghost Hunter, no turning back now.

Use the powers of the Lockcracker and go save Christmas!

And, save us from this time loop. I'm counting on you.

Additional Quotes Unfinished Quest Quotes
  • I love singing Christmas songs! We can sing some together once you get your questline done!
  • I may be forgetful, but I didn't forget about your quest! Get back to it!
  • What are you doing lollygagging Ghost Hunter? Christmas needs to be saved!
Finished Quest Quotes
  • Blue elf has made me start doing memory exercises. I don't remember if they are working.
  • *Elf beatboxing*
  • Hey I'm Green elf nice to meet you! We've met before? Oh silly me I keep forgetting!
