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Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki

Ghost Hunter Tonya was an event NPC during the 2021 Spring Event. She could be found in the Ghost World at the Ghostly Islands.

Ghostly Islands Questline[]

(Click "Collapse" to collapse the table)

Quest Tasks Reward


  • Vacuum 16 Spooky Ghosts
  • Vacuum 8 Pixie Ghosts
x200 Emerald


  • Vacuum 15 Pinwheel Ghosts
  • Vacuum 6 Blue Ray Ghosts
x250 Emerald

Red Rover, Red Rover!

  • Find and jump through the Red Ring
x275 Emerald

Jello from the Other Side

  • Vacuum 18 Jester Ghosts
  • Vacuum 7 Jelly Ghosts
x300 Emerald

Lost Souls

  • Vacuum Mini Boss Grim
x375 Emerald

RAM Needs Upgraded

  • Vacuum 13 Wizard Ghosts
  • Vacuum 12 Knight Ghosts
  • Vacuum 5 Horse Ghosts
x400 Emerald

Tonya's Birthstone

  • Find Tonya's Amethyst Crystal
x1 Crystal Key

This Means War!

  • Defeat Boss Meep
x1 Ghost Hunter Tonya's Mystery Box

Ghostly Islands Dialogue[]

Note: All dialogue is taken exactly how it was from the game, including the coloured text.

(Click "Expand" to expand the table)

Quest Start Finished

There you are! Hi! Aloha! Hola! How do you say hello here?! You get the point hopefully.

I’m Ghost Helper Tonya and I knew someone would come save us!

My ghost friends have been whispering behind my back that I'd never get us out of here!

Of course, there's always a ghost who tells me everything so I always know the latest gossip!

You see, I usually like to be more of the silent type and forego words altogether. It's peaceful.

I still like to know what's going on so a few loyal ghosts keep me informed.

Our world was so peaceful until all of these strange portals started opening up!

Some of my ghost friends were slowly falling into these portals...

I'd do anything for my friends! How could I live with myself if I didn't jump in after them?

This place is so similar to my world. Almost as if we were beamed into a parallel universe...

Could it be?...

Perhaps it is! Have you seen someone that looks like me? That would be freaky!



Do you think you could help us get home? I need your help, Ghost Hunter!

One thing though! We aren't hunting.. we're HELPING! Ghosts are our FRIENDS!

I adore my semi-transparent friends... even the ones who didn't have faith in me to get us back home.

Okay, maybe not as much, but still... We must help them get home!

Will you become a part of the Ghost Protection Society (tm)?

There is no membership fee, and you even get rewards! I even have a Mystery Chest!

I'd be willing to give it to you if you were to donate a little time to a good cause.

Let's get you initiated by sending you out to vacuum some lovely ghosts!

Pixies may be my favorite spirits. They're a little dark yet cute, don’t you agree?

I'm so happy you were able to collect them for me because I'd miss them terribly back home.

Take this reward for your brave and admirable quest to save the ghosts!



You know.. My very powerful ghost friend Bo mentioned a place like this.

He likes to travel. He's all about culture.

I wonder if you've met him... last I heard he was recruiting ghosts for some good cause!

Wait.. you've met my sarcastic friend before? :o Uh yes, he taught me to emoji!!! How'd you know?!

The last one he taught me was "GO AWAY, BLONDIE >:("! He’s so funny!

OK, OK! Back to getting home. I seem to get side-tracked a lot.

Go vacuum some cute ghosties for a reward!

GO AWAY! >:( Just kidding! I know how excited you must be to see what’s in this Mystery Chest!

Only 6 tasks left, this should be a breeze! Until then here is a reward to tie you over.


Red Rover, Red Rover!

You know an “experience” I enjoyed “experiencing” before? Red Rover! Have you experienced it?

Red Rover, Red Rover, send Ghost Helper right over!

My friends Reid and Ella used to play it with me. I got word that they were also lost into a portal...

*sigh* It seems we all may have gone to different worlds. Do you think you could help them too?

Reid is my best friend. He gave me these red hot sunglasses. What do you think?

Speaking of red, I heard there’s a red ring around here that smells just like cherries!

If you go find and jump through the Red ring I’ll give you a reward when you return!

You smell amazing! Have you ever had a maraschino cherry? I could finish a whole jar right now!

Okay, I need to focus! Less small talk and more tasks.

And no, I didn’t forget your reward! :)


Jello from the Other Side

You know what can improve this place? Puzzles! It’d definitely help me pass the time.

After all, you’re the one that’s doing the most work since I don’t have that thing on my back.

I could really use one with all of my friends spilling into other worlds. I feel kinda useless without one!

I’m so thankful for your help, Ghost Helper!

After you finish saving some more ghosts I’ll give you a reward!

Jello from the other side! I knew that wouldn’t take you long.

There are only 4 tasks left to go before I can hand over this pretty cool Mystery Box!

I may have taken a small peek while you were away helping my friends and...

Well, you’ll see! Here’s a reward for now.


Lost Souls

There seems to always be a bad apple in every bunch, if you know what I mean.

Ghosts are our friends, but sometimes they may be a little misguided and troubled.

Sometimes those misguided spirits just need a little help. They feel as if the world went on without them.

There's one in particular that has been troublesome here. His name is Grim, have you hard of him?

Let's take a little time out of our day to reach out to him. Sometimes that's all it takes!

Vacuum Mini Boss Grim! Vacuum! Not defeat! Show him some kindness, okay? He may surprise you!

I have a reward when you return successful.

You did it! So, how was it? He was a little grumpy? That sounds like him!

Did you know that anger is a secondary emotion? Yup! It's quite interesting how our brains work.

I probably should've studied Psychology, but then who would protect my little friends?

When you show kindness life will reward you and so will I! I didn't forget your reward!


RAM Needs Upgraded

Alright, alright, I'll stop being a motivational speaker and stick to ghosts and rewards!

I do get side-tracked a lot, and my brain contains very little RAM so I can be pretty forgetful.

I'll never forget you though, Ghost Helper! You helping us go home to our world means so much to me.

I believe we're very close as well. The ghosts have been talking about something that may help..

I will try to look into that while you vacuum the rest of the ghosts from back home!

Don't forget to come back for your reward!

Woah, great job! That was fast! Here's your reward!


Tonya's Birthstone

Remember me mentioning the ghosts talking about something that could possibly help us?

Turns out it's true! I've never felt this relieved. I miss my home so badly!

Apparently there is an Amethyst Crystal somewhere within this world that has special powers.

It's said to have the power to open and shut portals! We need to find this before someone else does.

We wouldn't want this to fall into the wrong hands. Could you imagine the chaos that would ensue?!

Will you please search for this purple powerful crystal? Find the Amethyst Crystal.

I hope you have good eyes since Amethyst is purple... just like most of this world. I will reward you!

YOU FOUND IT!!!!!!! Excuse me, that was a loud squeal. I'm just so happy you were able to find it!

Now that we have this I should be able to open the portal to go home with this.

Here is your well deserved reward!


This Means War!

There's just one BIG problem! We found out why these strange protals have been opening!

Apparently a new world has appeared and it's been taken over by a large angry chicken!

We need to stop him from causing even more damage.

I know that I mentioned kindness a lot, but that big, naughty chicken has been causing all of this!

If you show someone kindness and they're still after you, YOU MUST DESTROY THEM. NO MERCY!

This is a lesson I learned from my good friend Bo.

Make them regret the day they messed with you! Go show that chicken, Meep, in the Metaverse land!

Show him that Hunters and Helpers will stand TOGETHER, side by side to defeat him!

The time is now, Ghost Helper. You must defeat Mega Boss, Meep!.

Once he is defeated my ghost friends and I should be able to use the Amethyst to get through the portal.

Before I go I will finally be able to give you this high-class Mystery Chest I've been hanging onto.

Now go show that chicken your WAR FACE!

Woah! I heard that was an intense fight! I knew you could do it all along!

We will be going to the portal with the Amethyst you collected for us and it should open the portal.

Just enough time for us to get home, and hopefully all portals can be sealed now!

That means it's goodbye for now or forever, Ghost Helper! Maybe we'll meet in a different place...

A different time... or maybe we will never see each other again.

Oh well, you won't need me with what's inside of this Mystery Chest! You'll be too busy having fun. B)

I hope you enjoy the contents of the chest! Have you seen Ghost Hunter Ella or Ghost Hunter Reid?

They will need your help as well and I believe that they also have Mystery Chests!


Additional Quotes Unfinished Quest Quotes:
  • Back so soon? Get back to your experience!
  • We had the best taters back home. Finish your quests so I may savour them once more.
  • I'm not a fan of small talk, sorry. If it's not about saving ghosts I can't really be bothered.
Post-Quest Quotes:
  • I'm not here!!! I'm back in my world, remember? You must be seeing things!
  • Hi! I've been expecting you! Oh, you've been here before? I forgot! I forget a lot of things!
  • Mmm, these taters are good, wait! You've been here before! Go help my friends!


  • Ghost Hunter Tonya shares a name with the BloxByte Developer CovenK.
    • Tonya saying that Reid is her best friend is a reference to the fact that CovenK and fellow developer Royal are dating.
  • Ghost Hunter Tonya claims that she is Ghost Helper Tonya.
  • There are versions of Tonya's skirt that are unlisted. However, they can be found by categorizing "Classic Shirts" by the group BloxByte Games.

