Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki

Not to be confused with Ghost Hunter Gabe.

Ghost Hunter Gab3 is a NPC. He is located in the Backdoor in the Swamplands, where he serves as a tutorial questline for the world.

Swamplands Questline[]

‡These tasks follow the anormalous Obtain mechanic(refer to Quests)

Quest Tasks Reward

Gh0st Catching 202

  • Vaporize 2 Swamp Dweller Ghosts at Swamplands
x35,000 Gems

The Gh0st Mark3t

  • Recharge your Battery Pack at Home Base
x10,000 Gems

A Sp3cial Gh0st Ind3ed

  • Vaporize 1 Firefly Ghost at Swamplands
x15,000 Gems

Coll3ction Day

  • Collect 100 Ecto-Bits
x20,000 Gems

The C00l3st G3ar In T0wn

x20,000 Gems

St0p, Thi3f!

  • Obtain‡ 3 Advanced Parts from the Swamplands
  • Obtain‡ 3 Datachips from the Swamplands
x2 Sewer Boss Chests

R3al W0rk

  • Vaporize 10 Swamp Dweller Ghosts at Swamplands
x30,000 Gems


  • Find Gab3’s Favorite Axe hidden in the Swamplands
20,000 Gems

Chang3 is G00d

  • Vaporize 8 Firefly ghost at Swamplands
x30,000 Gems

Rollin’ In Rings

  • Jump off the big rock into the Red Ring at Swamplands
x10,000 Gems


  • Obtain‡ 6 Advanced Parts from the Swamplands
  • Obtain‡ 6 Datachips from the Swamplands
x30,000 Gems


  • Collect 100 Ecto-Bits
  • Collect 1,000 Gems
x3 Grim Lootbags

0bby Studs

  • Complete the Swamplands' Obby and retrieve a clue
x30,000 Gems

Gotta Do The Upgrade

Swamp Glider
x1 Crate Key

Gab3's Favorite Axe Location[]

Gab3's Axe

Gab3's Favorite Axe is located behind the giant tree in the middle of the Swamplands.

Swamplands Questline Dialogue[]

Note: All dialogue is taken exactly how it was from the game, including the coloured text.z

(Click "Expand" to expand the table)

Quest Start Finish

Well well well... What do we have here? Another Ghost Hunter to join our ranks!

Welcome to our ghost infested world! Join hunters like me, Ghost Hunter Gab3, in the fight against the ghosts!

We need all the help we can get!

You can equip your Disrupter by pressing Q or 1 and start vaporizing ghosts!


Gh0st Catching 202

Let's start you off easy! Go vaporize up 2 Swamp Dweller Ghosts and talk to me when you're done.

I might just give you a reward for helping me...

Perfect! You're an expert already! Here's your reward! Some shiny Gems!


The Gh0st Mark3t

Okay, so you may have noticed your Battery Pack will empty after you vaporize ghosts.

You can Recharge your Battery at Home Base. You should automatically collect Ecto-Bits from ghosts.

Go Recharge your Battery now and talk to me after you finish.

You recharged it? Great! want a reward for that?

Fiiiine... but only because you're new. You can have some Gems.


A Sp3cial Gh0st Ind3ed

Next up, special ghosts! They have different shapes and are harder to find.

...but give more Ecto-Bits to use at the shop.

Start by vaporizing 1 Firefly ghost! Find me when you're done for a reward.

Oh boy... that was pretty cool! I guess you want your r-r-reward now, right?

Here's some more Gems. Use them to buy some cool stuff in the shop!


Coll3ction Day

Your Battery probably drains pretty fast, right? Time to get some upgrades!

First, you're going to need something to buy those upgrades with.

Go collect 100 Ecto-Bits and let me know when you're done.

Alright! Now you're rolling in the Bits! ...And, if that wasn't enough, h-h-here's some Gems as a reward!


The C00l3st G3ar In T0wn

Now that you got some Ecto-Bits, you can visit the shop and buy a new Battery and Destabilizer.

This will help you vaporize ghosts easier and faster. Go upgrade your Battery and Destabilizer once each.

Report back to me when you're done for a reward!

Now you got the coolest gear in town! ...Until you buy the next upgrade, then you're even cooler!

Here's some Gems as a reward. Don't worry, you're almost done with all of my tasks!


St0p, Thi3f!

Fun fact, ghosts love to steal stuff! The ghosts took my collection of Advanced Parts and Datachips!

I know, it's weird... but could you get them back for me? Find my Advanced Parts and Datachips.

You saved me so much time! Thanks! Actually, these Datachips can be used in some cool technology.

Oh right, you want a reward. Um... here! Have some extra Boss Crates.


R3al W0rk

Seems like you're familiar enough with everything now. Could you get me some S-s-swam-m-m

Error: Gab3.exe has stopped working. Rebooting...

Well well well... What do we have here? Another Ghost Hunter to join our ranks!

Welcome to our ghost infested world! Join hunters like me, Ghost Hunter Gab3, in the fight against the ghosts!

We need all the help we can get!

You can equip your Disrupter by pressing Q or 1 and start vaporizing ghosts!

Let's start you off easy! Go vaporize up 10 Swamp Dweller Ghosts and talk to me when you're done.

I might just give you a reward for helping me...

Perfect! You're an expert already! Here's your reward! Some Shiny Gems!



Okay, so you may have noticed your Battery Pack will empty after you vaporize ghosts.

You can Recharge your Battery at Home Base. You should automatically collect Ecto-Bits form ghosts.

Go Recha-char-char... Hey, have you seen my favorite axe?

Could find my favorite Axe? I think I left it in a tree stump somewhere.

You found it? Great! want a reward for that?

Fiiiine.. but only because you're new. You can have some Gems.


Chang3 is G00d

Next up, special ghosts! They have different shapes and are harder to find.

...but give more Ecto-Bits to use at the shop.

Start by vaporizing 8 Firefly ghosts! Find me when you're done for a reward.

Oh boy... that was pretty cool! I guess you want your reward now, right?

Here's some more. more. more. more. Gems. Use them to buy some cool stuff in the shop!


Rollin' in Rings

Your Battery probably drains pretty fast, right? Time to get some upgrades- upgrades-

I wanna see if you can jump off the top of that rock into the ring. If you can do it, I'll reward you.

Alright! Now you're rolling in the Rings!

...and if that wasn't enough, here are some insert reward to distract player as a reward!



Fun fact, ghosts love to steal stuff! The ghosts took my collection of Advanced Parts and Datachips!

I know, it's weird... but could you get them back for me? Find my Advanced Parts and Datachips.

You saved me so much time! Thanks! Actually, these Datachips can be used in some cool technology.

Oh right, you want a reward reward reward reward.

EEEEEEUUUUUeee-Um... here! Have some extra Boss Crates. Error



Yeeeehaw! True cowboys aren't afraid of gettin' dirty and workin' hard!

I need a variety of Ecto-Bits for my Magnet technology!

Collect some Ecto-Bits and Gems.

More Gems coming your way if you finish this here task for me.

Hah, jokes on you. You just did my chores!

Okay, okay... you can have these Mini-Boss Lootbags as a reward.


0bby Studs

HUMAN! Ah... Ghost Hunter, did I startle you? Good... Good... good reflexes.

I'm building a device to stabilize the rift, and you're gonna help me-me-meeeeee eeeeee

..........If you aren't an accomplice to all of this madness you could help me investigate...

Prove that I can trust you by retrieving a clue at the top of the Swamplands Obby. Got it?

Return to me for a reward. Hurry now!

Returning to expected script. Execute Nul value: Gab3

Process Player Reward. Execute.

Gotta Do the Upgrade Oh, those items you got me? You can use them to upgrade your antenna, so you can explore new Biomes!

To do this, click 'Upgrade' in the Antenna section of your Inventory Menu on the side of your screen.

Talk to me after you upgrade, and I'll give you a Crate Key and a Hoverboard.

Yeeeeees, you upgraded! Now you can visit the next Biome when it's ready, but don't forget your reward!

That's all the tasks I have for you. I think the new Biome will be ready soon. I wonder if it is already.

Additional Quotes Unfinished Quest Quotes:
  • You finished the task? ...Haha, very funny. Talk to me when you actually finish it.
  • No rewards for you until you finish the task! Get out there and do it!
Post-Quest Quotes:
  • Code Malfuntion. Clone reproduction line failure
  • I dont have anymore rewards! ...You want me to give you my piggy bank? No way!
  • I wonder where Ghost Hunter Luna ran off to... We'll fix her programing eventually.


  • While Gabe and Gab3 look similar, they can be discerned by different clothing colors and the binary code on Gab3's shirt.
  • The binary code on Gab3’s shirt translates to “X”.
  • Gab3's shirt and pants can be purchased from the BloxByte Games Store.
  • There are beta versions of Gab3's shirt, which are unlisted. However, they can be found by categorizing "Classic Shirts" by the group BloxByte Games.

