Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki

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Ghost Hunter Archie (short for Archimedes) is located in the Beach area of the Main Hub behind a wall. To gain access to them, you must first solve the Pet Hunt Puzzle.

Beach Questline[]

Quest Tasks Reward

Neon Speculation

  • Vacuum 15 Scientist Ghosts
  • Vacuum 8 Zorg Ghosts
x1 Crate Key [Not-Tradable]

Nonogram Craze

  • Find Archie's Flashlight in the Junkyard
  • Vacuum 15 Mechanic Ghosts
  • Vacuum 8 Garbage Bin Ghosts
35,000 Gems

Solemn Thoughts

  • Vacuum 25 Islander Ghosts
  • Vacuum 10 Magma Ghosts
1,500 Gems

x1 Event Bait


Ethereal Wondering

  • Find a clue about the mysterious green girl sightings in the Forest
  • Find a clue about the mysterious green girl sightings in the Junkyard
1 Crate Key

Existential Dread

  • Vacuum 20 Pirate Ghosts
  • Vacuum 13 Parrot Ghosts
50,000 Gems

Sick with Apprehension

  • Collect 25 Sheriff Badges in the Desert
  • Find and jump through the red ring in the Desert
  • Find and jump through the green ring in the Desert
x2 Crate Keys

Mental Static

50,000 Gems

Haunting Visage

  • Find a clue about the mysterious green girl sightings in Area 51
55,000 Gems

Caged Bird

  • Vacuum 30 Miner Ghosts
  • Vacuum 15 Living Rock Ghosts
45,000 Gems

Twisted Treachery

  • Defeat any 2 bosses in Main Hub
55,000 Gems


  • Vacuum 25 Diver Ghosts
  • Vacuum 13 Mermaid Ghosts
60,000 Gems

Final Solution

  • Find a clue about the mysterious green girl sightings in the Volcano


Archie's Flashlight Location[]

Archie's Flashlight

Archie's Flashlight is an item located near the Junkyard's sign, on the second level. It is used for Ghost Hunter Archie's second quest.

The Beach Questline Dialogue[]

Note: All dialogue is taken exactly how it was from the game, including the coloured text.

(Click "Expand" to expand the table)

Quest Start Finished

What the-

Bahahah!! That is incredible! You really managed to solve it!

No. Seriously! Colour me impressed!!

I've purposely locked myself up here in this sad little shelter for as long as I can recall.

So uh, welcome to my humble abode. Sorry if everything's a mess. I'm not one to keep tidy.

I've got personal reasons to isolate myself, so if you're wondering why, please don't ask...

It's... not really a good thing that I do this to myself. Um. Anyways.

Now that you're here... I may as well ask you for help. That wit you've got is incredible!

First thing's first... You may call me Ghost Hunter Archimedes. Archie for short.

I noticed you're not much of a talker, but that's fine by me... Just at least hear me out.

To make this worth your while, I know I can find a reward that's enticing.

I know I got a Hoverboard and a neat pet somewhere...


Neon Speculation

Something tells me that you're different from everyone else here, Ghost Hunter.

Like, you're... untouchable. That, and you can see a lot more than the average soul...

This is why I'm trusting you with what I'm about to tell you...

Before I locked myself in here, I was in the midst of an investigation. This world is beyond abnormal.

There's something big going on. With your help, I'm hoping we can find more about this ordeal.

I just need you to do me a favour. Go to Area 51 and vacuum some ghosts.

Just in time! I found it! Here is my Crate Key, Ghost Hunter!

Just promise me and don't tell anyone the solution to my door puzzle.


Nonogram Craze

Ghost Hunter. I have what... may seem like a silly request before we continue our little talk.

I hope you don't mind it.

... The other night, I ended up playing my Gamebyte Colour for... possibly... several... hours straight.

I was close to completing this Spooky Nonogram game—- and my Gamebyte died!

So. Uh. Could you go and find my flashlight for me? I can take the batteries out of that!

It's an older system... I cherish it.

You should be able to find it in the Junkyard.

And while you're there, go and clear the area free of ghosts.

I know it's not much, but I know I've got some Gems lying around for your reward...

You’re back!! Sweet! Here’s your Gems!

Thanks! I can’t wait to play this again! I was getting antsy without my Nonogram game!


Solemn Thoughts

Here’s a reminder for you, Ghost Hunter. You’re going to earn yourself a Pet and a Hoverboard.

Of course once you’re done helping me...

Back to my train of thought... The more I look at you and the more I think about it, Ghost Hunter...

... You have this... vision. Like you’ve been through these things before. Multiple times, even.

It makes more sense when you word it this way.

I don’t know how that’s possible. To go through the same thing, over and over, and over...

But that’s possibly how you can see it. By rebirthing... It’s all coming together...

... I’ve got a plan. I’ll have you investigate for me—- but that will be after this little task.

Go to the Volcano and vacuum ghosts for me there. When you’re done, return for your reward.

It’s Boss Bait. You’ll be needing it for later. Trust me.

Stellar work. And you didn’t take long either. I think you’ve earned this Boss Bait then, heheh.

We’re going to move onto the investigation now. Hope you’re ready, Ghost Hunter.


Ethereal Wondering

I’m hoping what I said about you is correct, because in order to see her...

You’ll have this... rebirth vision. Because she appears in a few locations within this entirety.

The entity who I am talking about is this strange Ghost Girl.

I’ll need my suspicions confirmed. She’s likely here, in this very world right now! And if she is really here...

...! Hh-heh... I can tell you have a lot of questions, Ghost Hunter. I see it in your eyes.

In the Main Hub, there should be a clue to Ghost Girl’s sighting. Head out and investigate for me.

If you find her, return back to me to report your findings. Every detail is important!

Your reward will be this Crate Key. It’d be wise to save up a few of these along the way.

So. You saw her... And she phased away the moment she noticed you?

Archimedes looks intense, in both their posture and their neon gaze.

... She’s sentient...

... Nice work. Well, you’ve earned your Crate Key... Here you go, Ghost Hunter.


Existential Dread

... I’ve got a heavy question for you, Ghost Hunter... Just something that’s been teetering on my mind.

Have you ever woken up, only to be brought down by this awful weight of dread...

... That everything around you feels wrong? That you don’t quite belong in this world somehow?

I often wonder if the other NPCs feel that way. Waking up, only to feel haunted by existential dread.

... Ahem. I need to keep myself distracted. You’re here, that’s all that matters. M-Moving on.

Now that you’ve confirmed the sighting of this strange Ghost Girl to me...

... I have a hunch that she’s from a completely different state of this game.

... I’ll tell you more, but first, I need a breather.

You need a breather too, so go to the Beach and vacuum some ghosts.

The smell of the sea salt in their air will clear your senses. It’s a good way to destress.

Your reward will be a nice handful of Gems. I’m never usually this outwardly generous, heh.

Feeling better? I know I am... At least I hope. Just have to tell myself that everything will be okay.

Anyways, Ghost Hunter, here’s your payment in Gems. Do what you wish with these.


Sick with Apprehension

I should remind you, if you had forgotten—-

Your reward for helping me, once we’re done, is a nice Pet as well as a Hoverboard.

Back to what I was saying earlier...

... And as much as I detest thinking about it, a lot of us had different programming...

Meaning that we had different lives and different thoughts than intended. Personalities even.

... Some of us weren’t even suppose to exist. To think about that makes me feel sick enough...

It’s all because They had to interfere... Focusing on the wrong things to fix...

... I still cherish what friendship I had with Blaze and his rival, Leo...

... It’s been too long since I’ve last communicated with them...

...I’ve got some notes to read over. So while I go do that, I’ve got a task for you to do, Ghost Hunter.

Go to the Desert and collect some items there.

I also heard that the rings in that biome smell like something delightful.

So jump through the red and green rings there too.Then return back to me for your reward.

I’ve got some more Crate Keys in my desk for you, so these should be adequate.

Hey dude! Welcome back!

Heh! Sandalwood and sage... I dig it. Weird how those rings apparently smell different every time.

Well, here you go, Ghost Hunter. I found the Crate Keys I promised you.


Mental Static

I took a moment to review my notes... I’ve also did a few stretch exercises too while you were gone.

You’ve been to that eldritch world before. It only makes sense if you’ve rebirthed.

You also likely already know who I am referring to when I mention Them.

I’m talking about the Developers of this game. Ghost Simulator. They’re the ones who foresee everything...

When we, the NPCs, started gaining consciousness and our own lives... they tried to fix’ us.

They weren’t supposed to interfere...

What? You’re saying a truce was made?

... I... find it hard to believe, especially after what happened... and what they did to us...

... Hmff. Before I continue, I have a task for you to finish. I need to write this information down.

Go and unbox a couple pets in the Main Hub. And return for your reward. I’ve got some more Gems.

Welcome back.. And I see you always keep your word as well...

Here you go, Ghost Hunter. Enjoy your reward.

Sorry about getting so intense with you earlier...

Whelp. I hope you’re ready to go out for some more investigation work. Let’s get to it.


Haunting Visage

I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately. That mysterious, green Ghost Girl...

If she’s sentient... it makes me wonder what she thinks of all that is happening here.

She saw you. I remember you telling me. She phased away the moment you made eye contact...

Is she stuck in another dimension...? We can only see her for a few seconds...

If she’s here in this area, then it makes me wonder if she appears everywhere else...

That’s why we’re going to have you confirm my suspicions. So here’s your next task.

Head over to Area 51, and search the sector for her presence..

There, the Ghost Girl should make an appearance. When you see her, record your findings.

Then report back to me for your reward. I can scrounge up something for you, I guess.

She’s there too, huh? And she smiled at you before she vanished?

I’m... not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing if she exists there as well...

... It... means something though. Anyways... Here’s your reward. Thank you, Ghost Hunter.


Caged Bird

Just a casual reminder here for you, friend.

... You’re working your way towards a Pet and a Hoverboard.

... For having locked myself up here for so long, it’s nice to have someone to talk to...

No, I can’t really just... leave. It’s not that easy, Ghost Hunter. Despite how hard it is to isolate myself...

I know the Developers can’t sense my presence here. Even if there was a truce made between the parties...

They tried to reset everything... It sends chills down my spine. So forgive me if I’m cynical.

Besides... even if the isolation is taking a toll on me, at least I do what I can to keep myself occupied.

That being said, I gotta check through my notes on my computer. I’ve been backing up everything I can.

I’ll need some solitude to concentrate, so go to the Mine and vacuum some ghosts.

I’ve got some more Gems here as your reward. Hope you don’t mind, I’ve got a lot I saved up.

That was... as I had expected, fast. I should’ve given you more to do since you’re so adamant. Hahah.

It’s nice to have someone so tenacious here. It’s an admirable trait.

Here are your Gems, Ghost Hunter.


Twisted Treachery

That world I was talking about earlier... The eldritch world...

... Ever since it was opened up, it only brought forth a great disturbance. And I know you’ve been there.

That’s... probably why we’re having so many bizarre happenings leaking into the other worlds...

... The world that I am speaking of is The Backdoor.

It has a strikingly similar layout to the Main Hub... Give it some thought, if you will.

It even has a city exactly like Blox City... Except in twisted shambles, and warped terrain.

There has to be a correlation between Ghost Girl’s existence and the Backdoor having been opened...

... I have a plan. We’re going to return to the investigation soon. Not yet, soon.

I’ll need a moment to collect my thoughts. Ghost Hunter, here’s a task for you to occupy yourself with.

Run off and defeat some of the bosses here in this Hub. Any of them will do, friend.

... And when you’re done, report back to me for your reward.

I can tell you’re anticipating the investigation, Ghost Hunter. But I’ve already told you that it’ll be soon.

But I’m still going to reward you for your hard work.

Even if I sent you off for no other reason than to give me some space to think... hah...

Anyways. Here’s your reward. More Gems.



We’re almost done here... You’ve been doing a stellar job helping me out.

It helps that you’re far more collected than I am... as well as being untouchable...

You don’t have programming like we do... So you have no concerns about being altered or... deleted...

A-Ahem. Moving on...

... I’m sure you noticed. I had something dawn upon me.

The Backdoor... that bizarre world. What if it was the original testing grounds for this game?

The Ghost Simulator prototype... A world that was never meant to be played...

One last step, Ghost Hunter. Before we do anything else, I’ll need you to finish a task for me.

Go to the Underwater biome and vacuum some ghosts. Then return back to me for your reward.

Antsy, aren’t you? Well, you did complete what I assigned to you... so here you go—- your reward.

You’re probably wondering why I have so many Gems in the first place...

I am a technician afterall. Fixing things and taking things apart is my niche.

I didn’t even get enough time to complete a nonogram... It’s good exercise for the brain...


Final Solution

With you helping me gather all these clues together, it’s metaphorically like solving a puzzle...

And it all makes sense to me now. A prototype world that was never meant to be...

With the Developers interfering with the programming and lives of the NPCs...

It all unfortunately backfired. They didn’t focus on fixing the true problem...

They wanted a different story. But it never worked out that way for them...

... Ghost Hunter.

I’ll need you to go to the Volcano for me, and investigate the world for her presence.

That will be the final piece of information I’ll need...

... I should reveal this to you as well... My associates are aware of your dedication...

... Move on now. And report your findings to me when you find her.

... She’s there, isn’t she? I can tell by the look in your eyes.

What did she do this time when she noticed you?

... She looked sad and wistful?

I can imagine... being trapped in such a state is unfortunate. As... I can... relate....

She’s... a remnant of the Original Ghost Simulator game... She has to be.

... I’ve also come to the conclusion that because The Backdoor had been opened up...

...that’s why all of these strange occurrences have been spreading to the other worlds like wildfire.

I’m not... liking where this is going at all. Even though nothing bad has happened yet...

Well. The time has come, Ghost Hunter. You’ve done an amazing job helping me out...

But we’ll have to part ways. Though you’re welcome to visit me as you please... I enjoy your company.

I haven’t forgotten. Here’s your final reward.

... Take good care of the pet. He’s got quite an appetite, and he likes to chomp.

.. ... And one last thing. You’ll be hearing from my associates soon... Farewell.

Additional Quotes Unfinished Quest Quotes:
  • I need a moment to myself, please. My head hurts just from thinking about all of this...
  • Uh. I appreciate the company, but you're just blankly staring at me. Get back to your task.
  • Ugh... I need to organize this place and deal with all this junk... it's filthy...
  • Heh. Try not to get distracted, dude... I know I have a bad tendency to do that myself.
Post-Quest Quotes:
  • Hey. I appreciate you taking my nonsensical ranting seriously. It means a lot to me.
  • Sometimes, I feel worried for the future… This feeling of unreality is heavy…
  • There are watchful eyes everywhere… Be safe, Ghost Hunter. You’re a notable soul.
  • I don’t know why I feel so off… maybe I need to modify my stretch workout routine...



Archimedes appeared during the 100th Update Event in the Party Room.

100th Update Party Questline[]

Quest Task Rewards

I'll Try Living Like This

  • Find the red ring in the Backdoor
  • Find the 1st green ring in the Backdoor
  • Find the 2nd green ring in the Backdoor
x1 Boosted Event Drops Gum

x50,000 Ecto-Bits

100th Update Party Questline Dialogue[]

Note: All dialogue is taken exactly how it was from the game, including the coloured text.

(Click "Expand" to expand the table)

Quest Start Finished

Heh. It's... been a while, hasn't it, Ghost Hunter? I know that thoughtful face from anywhere.

I know you seem surprised to see me outside of my comfort zone... Believe me. I'm aware.

It... took a lot of convincing and talking... arguing even, to get me out of that awful bunker.

... It seemed like home to me... but then again... It wasn't exactly the best place for me.

I gotta thank her, that Cherry girl. Morgie-- Ah. I mean, Morgan doesn't see her though.

I'm not sure why... even though she's clearly here. Staring at me. Menacingly. ...Ahem.

Ever since you've focused your attention on other things, a lot has... changed, for the better.

A hundred updates later... Heh. I've been keeping track of everything on my computer.

Believe it or not... everything works out well in the end... as hard as it is to see.

You know. Between us Associates and the rest of the NPCs here, we decided to have a party.

I'm... not exactly thrilled about the party thing, but. Eh. I've got Morgan here.

... And I've even reunited with some old friends of mine here. Well, at least Blaze.

We've... had a long talk with each other... and I've said my apologies for ghosting him...

Leo couldn't make it, but that's fine. Blaze eagerly gave me his contact information.

Now to psyche myself up to send a message... But, uh. That can wait for the time being.


I'll Try Living Like This

... I've got an idea. Now that you're here... Let's play a little game, for the sake of fun.

Heh. I'm not surprised you're as ready as ever. I've always admired you and your tenacity...

Maybe this will help me think over what I want to send to dear Leo... Mmm...

Oh. Right. I apologize. I've just... got a lot on my mind. They're good things, don't worry.

I'm going to have you find all of the rings in The Backdoor, and jump through all of them.

I've got my reasons, Ghost Hunter. They're all smells that are familiar to me.

Smells are the one thing that trigger the strongest reaction to memories.

When you finish my little task, I might have something here to reward you with.

I just gotta think of something... Anyways, go and have fun. I'll see you soon.

I'll be standing here... typing to Leo...

... Well... I... I did it. I managed to write a message to him. My hands couldn't stop shaking.

I've made so many spelling errors that I feel embarrassed, but... that doesn't matter.

As for the task you've completed... Good job. You've brought back good memories to me...

You smell very much like an incense shop. Dragon's blood... frankincense... vanilla...

There's also hints of computer parts... Melting solder... Petrichor... Heh. Smells nostalgic.

Anyways... enjoy, my friend. Here's your reward. I found it sitting in my storage alt.

Additional Quotes Unfinished Quest Quotes:
  • ... Uhm. Morg...? Help me with this message for Leo, please. I think I'm overthinking it.
  • Have you met Riley? She's a delight... It's hard to believe what she went through...
  • It's... a small fact, but. I made the flute for Morgan as well as his mask by hand
  • I know... I keep looking over to the Devs... But, a truce was made... a long time ago...
Post-Quest Quotes:
  • That Bo fellow taught me a strange word. Apparently it's a thing he does. The word is :o) ...
  • Hhh... the message I sent to Leo got marked as read... A-and he's typing-! Oh no-!
  • It's been a while, Blaze. I've been better and worse... but I'm happy to see you again...
  • Hey, Ace... I'll be glad to chat to you about our findings. Sounds like you need a friend too.


  • Archie's quest name is a direct reference to the 2015 hit album, "I'll Try Living Like This" by the vaporwave group "death's dynamic shroud".

Associate Archie returned in the Remnant Zone for the 2nd Arc Storyline. They can be found near the Remnant Guardian entrance, in the Phantom Castle.

Phantom Castle Questline[]

Quest Tasks Reward

Who's Counting The Days

  • Vacuum 28 Autumn Junglers
  • Vacuum 14 Durian Bunnies
x650,000 Gems
x1 Event Bait

How To See Through Walls

  • Collect 20 Butterflies
  • Collect 30 Feather Leaves
x2 Crate Keys
x3 Glitchy Boss Gum

Lullaby To The Clouds

  • Collect 35 Star Crystals
  • Vacuum 30 Gem Trolls
x750,000 Gems

Collapse of the Soul

x5 Crate Keys

Dissipation of the Heart

  • Vacuum 45 Cave Ninjas
  • Vacuum 10 Axolotl Princesses
  • Collect 25 Bouquets of Roses
x5 Event Bait
850,000 Gems

Unconscious Recollects

  • Collect 50 Sugar Corals
x900,000 Gems

Pride and Prejudice

  • Collect 60 Blue Ribbons
x950,000 Gems

Red Twilight

  • Jump through the Blue ring in the Fantasy Courtyard
  • Jump through the Red ring in the Castle Gardens
x5 Crate Keys

Stone walls and glass bridges

  • Vacuum 30 Village Raiders
  • Vacuum 25 Knights
x3 Event Bait
x700,000 Gems

Beauty in the eye of the beholder

  • Vacuum 36 Tree Pixies
  • Vacuum 13 Caterpillars
x3 Event Bait
x850,000 Gems

Playing games..Repairing worlds

  • Find Archimedes' Gamebyte Deck
x600,000 Gems

Boundaries and Limitations

  • Collect 30 Crystal Hearts
  • Vacuum 40 Bishops
  • Vacuum 20 Playing Cards
x5 Crate Keys
900,000 Gems

As cocky as the king of spades

  • Defeat the Spades Harbinger three times
x5 Event Bait

The key to all doors

  • Vacuum 32 Rooks
  • Vacuum 21 Wisp Candles
x1 Remnant Key

Born to Reign

  • Defeat the Remnant Guardian Megaboss
Auto Shield Blaster
Archie's Eye

Red Ring Location[]

Castle Gardens Red Ring

The Castle Garden Red Ring can be found near the left-center island, floating high above the ground.

Blue Ring Location[]

Fantasy Courtyard Blue Ring

The Fantasy Courtyard Blue Ring can be found on the left side of the courtyard, floating in front of the Hearts and Diamond statue.

Archimedes' Gamebyte Deck[]

Archimedes' Gamebyte Deck

Archimedes' Gamebyte Deck can be found near the entrance from the Enchanted Jungle to the Scrap City. It is slightly behind a lantern archway, in front of a red building,

Phantom Castle Questline Dialogue[]

Note: All dialogue is taken exactly how it was from the game, including the coloured text.

(Click "Expand" to expand the table)

Quest Start Finished

...Correct, I knew what I was getting into. Once I stated my idea, I was aware of what-

... Sorry, I was in the midst of transmitting a message. Been a while since we last caught up.

I Was... not exactly ready for this kind of company, much less prepared.

... I scoured everywhere, and did everything I could. But. I'll tell you more later.

Remember me? It's Associate Archie.

... Less focus on that, and more on you. ... You're here, and you're here for a reason...

-I'll get you caught up. I can... contact them later. Hopefully this'll scrounge up enough time.

But, if not, I have a special item and hoverboard ready for your taking.


Who's Counting The Days

You've done plenty for me, back around when you solved the pet hunt puzzle.

-What I am working on...? ...A mess. If you want a more... literal answer- A portal.

This... project of mine, it's our next move. It may be a bit much to explain, but I'll...

Humm... Well. I offered to... step up and take the situation into my own hands.

Broker for peace between the devs and the NPCs...

It would take a good workload off of Riley's hands...

... First task. Let's see what happens when you vacuum these ghosts on this list.

You'll want to head over to the Enchanted Jungle. If my guess is accurate...

... ... uhm. Welcome back- First thing's first... hold out your hands.

Have this reward. ... It would be reasonable to save up from here.


How To See Through Walls

... Riley deserves a rest. She's... way, way too hard on herself...

This of course meant that I had to...move out of the bunker, and venture away from its walls.

While the Agents were busy with their own work... We had our own mission to conduct.

Well... more of a 'search and relocate' type effort. I'm not... the best at meeting new faces.

... But they too, were new. Just like... the first day I gained my own, and saw who was beside.

Finding these new faces a home where they feel comfortable being themselves...

... It's the first step to starting anew ... Now. Next task. We'll need to collect some items.

Here is a list provided... should be enough to provide an adequate boost of power.

... Excellent work. ... ... humm... oh. Here, snag whatever's in this parcel. It's for you.

Came from our respected leader. Always working... as per usual.

... So far, so far, everything's correct... Just hope this attempt pulls through...


Lullaby To The Clouds

Once we're finished... You'll be able to move onto the next world. Only a matter of time.

... I'm certain you've seen them too, by the way. The countless messages in the Backdoor.

... Those remnants, a trace of what was left behind, as cryptic and foreboding as they are...

It was what led me here to this fractured landscape's existence. But getting there was a trick.

Respectfully difficult. Once I revealed the coordinates, I tried multiple experiments to break in.

Over, and over, and over. ... Until the temperature became so critical. At the time, I gave up.

... That was until Ace approached me. ...The night is still young, we have work to finish...

Collect some items and vacuum some ghosts. They will aid us in our mission.

Cliffhangers are amusing when you are not the one living through them..

Some Gems for your troubles.


Collapse of the Soul

… The two of us have a mutual respect for eachother. I understand his intentions...

Ace... He… struggled with… complicated feelings for what he’s done to the others.

He saw his actions being callous. Talked my ear off, wanting to redeem himself...

… but for Ace to offer himself as a guinea pig for this experiment?? I still–

–S-Ssure, yeah… somebody– needed to test the portal… but I wasn’t confidant if the

dimension would hold open for as long as it did, with how unstable it was—

… I have… an idea to test, fighting the mini boss of this realm will be the perfect way to do it

Find the Spades Harbinger and defeat it. I’ll keep watch on the monitor

It’s… a possibility… Just need to remind myself… as many times as it’ll take…

…The portal held up long enough for him… and the signal lasted for a few meager minutes…

… I had trouble keeping the connection stable, so I can at least reason with that thought…

With that, we lost Ace. We have not seen him since the portal became unstable.

Oh. I’m… yeah, I’m… rambling. Here. Have this reward. We need to continue.


Dissipation of the Heart

Where was I? Right… I was able to conduct more research and make a second attempt.

With a stroke of luck, I managed to keep the portal stable enough to travel through it myself.

The moment I opened my eyes, I was immediately showered in confetti. It was… a bit much…

This was when I met them. They called themselves Remnants… Alice was the first.

Bright and cheerful, and… very, overwhelmingly affectionate.

The rest of their group were on high alert, and came in tow, wondering if I was an intruder…

… Convincing them that I had no ill intentions was…not a walk in the park…

… Aight. Timer set. Next task, you’ll need to go to the caverns for this, and quickly.

Gather me some bouquets and vacuum these ghosts listed here. … …

… Still cannot find him… I had even asked if the others had seen him…

… … Just whatever you do, please do not tell Riley... at least, until I confirm my suspicions.

… I’ve already played the role of the bearer of bad news a few times…

Oh. Right. Rambling again… hummm. Here, your payment. … Next step…


Unconscious Recollects

I understand feelings of distrust, resent… It’s something I am too familiar with…

… You’re wondering about said ‘bad news’ from earlier, hm… I figured as much.

Word got around that there was a traitor. A rumor that I’m sure you’ve heard…

Riley felt a strong kinship with those incomplete…

Glitchy NPCs she’s found throughout the worlds, starting with the backdoor.

I felt something uncanny about him at first… Billy. Yet, we trusted him enough.

Chalked it up to just… glitchiness, and incomplete code. … All of that was just an act.

… I’m still feeling conflicted, especially since he made it clear to me to not interfere…

Go and collect some sugar corals, please. I’ve got some pacing to get out…

… Best to keep moving. What’s… done is already done.

Although, I keep thinking about what happened…The look on her face..

…Here is your payment. … And, thank you for your patience, Ghost Hunter.


Pride and Prejudice

The moment that I met Spades... I knew there was a reason why I kept staring at him.

I wasn’t certain at first… and with how cynical I normally felt…

Poor Riley she trusted him blindly despite the many warnings...

He seemed somewhat proud of what he had done…

I…I don’t think Riley ever truly forgave Spades for his betrayal….

He believes his cause is worth tearing a friendship apart… Even tearing apart much more…

I understand his anger…being a part of a world in which he doesn’t belong…

All caused by people outside of his grasp… One feels helpless at times..

…Let us not distract ourselves with troubles of the past. Collect some ribbons

Did you manage to clear your head, Hunter? Good.

You can have this reward. Now, we can continue.


Red Twilight

Just a reminder for you… the moment we’re done, we’ll have a new realm to explore.

Something big and dangerous awaits us after the portal is complete…

The Remnants made it clear they do not want us around…

We wanted peace but their intentions wagered war…The messages themselves, bone chilling

The spying, the Traitor…Something felt wrong..

I’ll tell you more about that when you return…We all need a break once in a while, Hunter.

Me? I have a lot on my plate.. The portal needs some more make sure it’s stable

Why don’t you go jump through some rings? The smells always helped me relax…

I know it’s hard in the face of the unknown to be brave…But we need you now..

And I know you won’t let us down…Here, have this as encouragement…


Stone walls and glass bridges

They threatened us to back down…To leave them be…We couldn’t..

Especially not now…with Ace still missing… Not that they believed he was even here..

The more we looked through the messages the sooner we realized who sent them..

Back and forth like a swing…between Billy and Alice..and a few other voices..

Alice being the strange ‘green girl’ sightings and the stranger in the void.

I wondered if Billy would help settle things with our opposite factions…

He was too busy helping them and so, the threats turned into truths..

And we need to prepare, Hunter. The truth can hurt those who cannot handle it..

Vacuum some ghosts, their ectoplasm could help power up the portal some more..

You are fast…as always! The ecto supply will do us good.

Here is your reward... Thank you, Ghost Hunter.


Beauty in the eye of the beholder

Rose has always been a talented gal… But we disregarded just how talented…

She sees the world through two sets of eyes..Her own and those beyond..

Her visions are of this realm…Most are a sight for sore eyes–

However, the last one was nothing short of worrying.. Even outright terrifying..

The person sharing her gaze is someone from RAM – Another mysterious damsel..

They chose to play on the offense… towards either us or the Devs.

They are planning a great battle… We need to keep pushing the defense…

Vacuum a few ghosts, the power core for the portal is almost complete.

This extra energy will do nicely.. For your reward, Hunter, have this.

With the main source of energy nearly done, all we need is one more essential component..


Playing games..Repairing worlds

Energy…done..Now…We need– OH! Sorry, Hunter. Didn’t see you there..

Just checking a few things off the list… The structure of the portal is… lacking something..

The control panel I built is missing a little chip…An important piece in the puzzle.

I should have one laying around..But where could I– Ah, I got it!

Can you find my Gamebyte Deck? I can sacrifice its chip for this build.

Try looking around in Scrap City… I was there when I last had it. …

Ah-ha! That would be it– just need to use a spudger to snap off the faceplate… – And there.

… Oh. Uh, before I get preoccupied, take this. Some Gems for your diligence.

… Thanks for sticking with us.


Boundaries and Limitations

There is only so much we can do by ourselves..against such a formidable foe.

The agents are busy… Making peace and helping newly sentient NPCs.. it’s no easy work.

And with this new onslaught of the Remnants, our teams are on high alert already!

If things get out of hand we might even need to ask the Devs for assistance…

For now though, it’s just us. The portal being the main priority.

Speaking of which, we need a few more materials and perhaps …even ghosts…

Collect a few more items and ghosts. This should do the trick… I hope..

Miraculously quick every time…You never cease to amaze me, Hunter..

This was the last push the portal needed…Systems are in the clear.


As cocky as the king of spades

The Harbinger has been getting a little too close for comfort..

I enjoy personal space…Yet, I do not think it harbors ill intentions.. Maybe curiosity?

Maybe it is just as lost as we are…wandering around a world it does not belong in…

A-Apologies, Hunter…I am getting off track again.. Distracted…every time…

With the portal finally finished… The gateway almost opened…

A taste for battle is get you into that fighting spirit..

And I think our friend over there might be of great help…Defeat the Spades Harbinger again

Training is practice and practice makes perfect…At least that’s what Yoko says..

You are almost ready, Hunter. In the meantime have this Bait as a reward.


The key to all doors

Hunter…I hesitated to tell you what lies beyond the portal…

I wasn’t sure if we would even be ready in time…And yet, a warning is still in place..

RAM sent a Megaboss to attack us…They said we wouldn’t listen to them..

That it was their only choice…Nevertheless, their scheme backfired…

The Megaboss isn’t attacking only us Associates… but everyone…

Whomever sets foot in the Phantom Castle is in for a hideous surprise..

To you however, it won’t be…You know what lies ahead.. And I am confident you can handle it.

Vacuum a few more ghosts just to make sure the portal’s core is stable before you pass…

I know, I know!…Again? Just…Please, I don’t want what happened with Ace to repeat..

Heh, with how swiftly you got them I know you are awaiting the last task..

Ok,Ok! Everything is in order…The key is yours.


Born to Reign

Last things last…All palaces have a key and behind the entrance there is a guard…

The guard will take a mighty stand against you…Almost like a tale of the old..

A legend I once knew…Ahem!.. I am rambling again..

Hunter, this is it. This is our last stand against the Remnants and their ambush..

So, with precaution I ask you to Defeat the Remnant Guardian Megaboss..

Be careful..this one isn’t like the grumpy Harbinger..It is a force to be reckoned with..

I was nervous for you, Hunter. But everything came out alright in the end..

We have quite a way to go until RAM and the AOF can fully trust one another

For now though, the threat has been abolished and everyone is safe.. That is all that matters.

As much as I enjoy your company, this is where we go our separate ways..

Take this reward as a sign of gratitude for your service..

You will hear from us again soon as Ace is still nowhere to be seen… but for now, farewell!

Additional Unfinished Quest Quotes
  • ... If cherry girl catches me looking like this, I may never hear the end of it...
  • No signal... no trace... Nothing. Yet, it would be irrational to assume...
  • Task, reward, task, reward... It all repeats, in disregard of how many times it's deconstructed.
Post-Quest Quotes
  • ... I can't help but to wonder... how different everything would've been. Would you agree...?
  • The lights are on, but at times... it feels like there's nobody home...
  • This world is so colorful and lifeless...Eyes staring from all sides..


  • Archimedes was written by ArcanistApollo and Supergirlytreiner from the official BloxByte Games Discord Server.
  • Archie's dialogue has several references to music made by Windows96, Gavriel, and desert sands feel warm at night.
Associate Archie Quest Name Trivia
  • "Who's Counting The Days" is a reference to the song of the same name by Windows96 and Gavriel.
    • "How To See Through Walls" is a reference to an album of the same name by Windows96.
    • "Lullaby to the Clouds" is a reference to the song of the same name by desert sands feel warm at night.
    • "Collapse of the Soul" is a reference to the song of the same name by desert sands feel warm at night.
    • "Dissipation of the Heart" is a reference to the song of the same name by desert sands feel warm at night.
    • "Unconscious Recollects" is a reference to the song of the same name by Windows96.
    • "Red Twilight" is a reference to the song of the same name by Gavriel.
