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Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki

Ghost Hunter *Not* Bo was the second NPC in 2020 Halloween Event. He was released on Version 1.68.0.

Pumpkin Patch Questline[]

(Click "Expand" to expand the table)

Quest Tasks Reward

I'm not Bo, I'm Not Bo!

  • Collect 47 Candies
29 Candies

Business As Usual

59 Candies

She's out to get Bo!

77 Candies

Top Secret

  • Find Bo's Important Notes
104 Candies

Not Bo Time!

227 Candies

Let's Have Some Fun!

157 Candies

Important Ghost Hunting

  • Vacuum 29 Masked Spirit Ghosts
  • Vacuum 11 Bat Ghosts
  • Collect 57 Candies
203 Candies

Betrayed Trust

  • Find and jump through the Red Ring
221 Candies

Not Bo Songs

1 Soul Key

A Big Secret

  • Vacuum 37 Soul Caster Ghosts
  • Vacuum 13 Bat Ghosts
  • Collect 57 Candies
253 Candies

Data Boss

  • Use a Soul Key to open any Mega-Boss Chest
3 Soul Keys

Spirit Candy

  • Vacuum 33 Masked Spirit Ghosts
  • Vacuum 14 Candy Thief Ghosts
  • Collect 47 Candies
271 Candies

Secret Mission

309 Candies

Ghostly Chaos

  • Collect 59 Candies
  • Vacuum 6 Bat Ghosts
  • Vacuum 21 Vampire Ghosts
201 Candies

Villain to Thwart

  • Find and jump through the Purple Ring
273 Candies

Having a Blast

  • Collect 41 Candies
  • Vacuum 11 Bat Ghosts
  • Vacuum 27 Soul Caster Ghosts
303 Candies

Take a Break

  • Complete the Halloween Obby
301 Candies

Nail in the Coffin

  • Unbox 1 pet from Halloween Pet Crate #2
  • Unbox 1 board from the Halloween Board Shop
277 Candies


  • Vacuum 21 Masked Spirit Ghosts
  • Vacuum 8 Candy Thief Ghosts
  • Vacuum 29 Vampire Ghosts
  • Vacuum 10 Scarecrow Ghosts
311 Candies

Only Room for One

  • Vacuum 19 Soul Caster Ghosts
  • Vacuum 7 Bat Ghosts
  • Collect 37 Candies
309 Candies

Ready for Battle

  • Defeat Frankie in the Haunted Mansion Attic 3 Times
Spy Bo
Bo's Eternal Friendship

Pumpkin Patch Quest Dialogue[]

Note: All dialogue is taken exactly how it was from the game, including the coloured text.

(Click "Expand" to expand the table)

Quest Start Finish


What? No, I'm not Bo. I'm... Not Bo. Ghost Hunter Not Bo to be specific.

You keep accusing me of being Ghost Hunter Bo. I'd say that's pretty sus.

In fact, how do I know YOU aren't Ghost Hunter Bo? Big sus.


I'm not Bo, I'm Not Bo!

Anyway, Bo, it looks like you got yourself into a little bit of trouble. Never to fear, Not Bo is here to save you!

From what? Ghost Hunter Victoria, of course!

Someone tells you they're planning a Halloween party and you do whatever they ask?!?

Don't look at me like that! I don't know what you're talking about! I'm Not Bo... I'm also not Bo.

Anyway, now it's time to clear up your little mess! Collect 47 Candies. I'll even give you a reward!

Good job, Bo! I can’t think of plans on an empty stomach! ~MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH~

Owh, yeah where’s wour weward! ~GULP~ Sorry, I said “Here’s your reward!”


Business As Usual

Time to get back to business, Ghost Hunter! ;D Oh, the emoji? Um.....

I learned emoji from Ghost Hunter Bo, the Super Totally Mega Awesome Ghost Hunter! TM.

But enough of that! We need to get the other ghosts out of Ghost Hunter Victoria’s reach.

Vacuum several ghosts, and 43 Candies. You’ll get an extra spicy reward~!

Well, Ghost Hunter, I lied. It’s just a spicy reward, not an extra spicy reward.

As long as you assist me with my plans, I’ll call you whatever you want.

Don’t look so disappointed. You know how the game is played. The spiciest rewards come at the end!


She's out to get Bo!

That Ghost Hunter Victoria is out to get me- I mean, Bo! She’s after Bo. After all, I am Not Bo.

I’m fine, but Bo isn’t. Wait, no. Bo is always fine! Bo is the leader of the Ghost Rebellion! Bo is great!

Thanks for asking~! ;) You didn’t ask and none of your questions were answered?

Are you asking questions to delay doing tasks? No, no, Ghost Hunter! Off to the next task!

Vacuum 8 Bat Ghosts and 23 Soul Caster Ghosts and you’ll get a reward!

No one can accuse you of slacking, Ghost Hunter! Well, they can... But it would be false!

You know, unless you’re ignoring your homework to play this game, but you wouldn’t ever do that!

Anyway, here’s your reward!


Top Secret

The best part about helping you undo Ghost Hunter Victoria’s work is that it’s me too!

Ghost Hunter Bo, the awesome and supreme has tasked me with gathering ghosts for his army!

It’s normally top secret! So secret that it’s only written down here in “Bo’s Top Secret Takeover Plan Notes!”

Wait! O.o Where are the notes? Ghost Hunter~! Be a pal and find Bo’s Notes.

Hurray, Ghost Hunter! I- Bo writes his most personal feelings in there. Come back for a reward.

My diary! I mean, Bo’s Top Secret Takeover Plan Notes!

You didn’t peek, did you? I’m sure Bo would never write about you, Ghost Hunter. ;)

Anyway, here’s your reward~! Thanks, Ghost Hunter!


Not Bo Time!

Do you know what time it is, Ghost Hunter? Not Bo Time!

Collect 21 Vampire Ghosts, 7 Scarecrow Ghosts, and 57 Candies.

You know the drill! Do task, come back, get reward! You got this UwU~

Finally! Most of my army is back! I mean, Bo’s army. The army that doesn’t exist.

Just take your reward!


Let's Have Some Fun!

I’m bored of being the good guy. Let’s take a break and have some fun! You know what’s fun?


Fine, I’ll settle for candy and pets. Collect 51 Candies and unbox 1 pet from the event shop.

I don’t know why I’m giving you a reward for having fun, but I need you to come back.

So if you don’t want to come back for me, at least come back for your reward. ;(

Ghost Hunter, keep this up and I- I mean Bo will have no choice but to upgrade you from pal to BFFLAMD!

Ah, you don’t speak Bo. That’s fine, I’ll translate: Best Friend For Life And Maybe Death ;)

What? “No thanks?” oWo Fine, take your reward and go!

Just teasing! Being Bo’s friend is not optional. Bo will be there for you no matter what you say!

Not me, of course. I’m not Bo. I’m Not Bo.


Important Ghost Hunting

How many ghosts does Vickie need?!? Oh, well! At least you’re the one getting the ghosts and not me!

What am I doing? VERY IMPORTANT WORK! Do you know how hard it is to float perfectly still?

Of course, you don’t! Being a ghost hunting ghost is hard work but someone’s gotta do it!

No, you can’t do it. You are not a ghost. What?!? Why are you so talkative today?

Just go collect 29 Masked Spirit Ghosts, 11 Bat Ghosts, and 57 Candies. You’ll get a spicy reward!

That’s a spicy reward and it’s all for you~! ;) You don’t have to share with anyone...

Except for maybe Bo. ;)


Betrayed Trust

Does the betrayal never end? You even jumped through rings for her!

I thought that jumping through rings was our thing... That’s okay! I have an even cooler ring!

Find and jump through the red ring. You’ll get a reward that’s better than what Vickie gave you!

See? Red is cooler than orange! Or maybe it’s warmer? I don’t know! I never learned color theory!

Either way, you’ve earned your reward!


Not Bo Songs

Ghost Hunter, Ghost Hunter, bring me a crate! Make it the best crate that ever did crate~!

You hear my song! That’s your next task! Open 3 Soul Key Crates.

Once you come back, I’ll give you a reward! Take your time!

Not that I lost the reward in a game of cards and I need to twin it back. That would be quite silly.

BINGO! Did I say cards? Maybe we were playing UNO? I don’t really know what we were playing!

I’m great at games! In fact, I never lose!

Pro Tip: You can’t lose a game if you just take the prize and walk out the door!

Speaking of prizes, here is your reward!


A Big Secret

Psssst. Ghost Hunter, want to know a secret? Promise not to tell? I’m Bo! Shhhhhhh!

I know what you’re thinking: “Wow! Bo looks so different! I never knew!”

I’m hiding from Ghost Hunter Victoria. Yes, I, the great and powerful Bo is hiding.

Tasks first! Backstory later! Vacuum many ghosts, and collect 57 Candies.

I’ve got your reward waiting in my left pocket! I don’t know where my pocket is yet, but I’ll figure it out!

You’re back, Ghost Hunter! Here is your reward. ~Squish~ They’re a little melty!

Data Boss

As you probably know, Ghost Hunter Victoria is capturing and merging ghosts.

You probably also know that she thinks that she can create a mega powerful ghost.

She tried to merge me too. LOOK! SHE TOOK MY ARM! Wait... I never had arms! Phew!

But she’s trying to replace me as the side character who is trying to take over the game!

AND THAT’S EVEN WORSE! SO YOU HAVE TO STOP HER! Yes, you. Not me. No Bo. Not Not Bo.

For now, open a soul key crate and come back for a reward!

Ah, yes! A spicy reward!

Spirit Candy

Ghost Hunter, are you ready? What for? The next task, of course! Have you not been paying attention?

Go! Go and Vacuum 33 Masked Spirit Ghosts and 14 Candy Thief Ghosts.

That doesn’t feel like enough. Hmmmm. Ah! Collect 47 Candies and come back for a reward!

Oh, Ghost Hunter~! I’ve been waiting for you~! For you to pick up your reward! Obviously! Nothing else!

You look like a ghost hunter who is ready for their next task and I can’t disappoint a loyal ghost hunter!


Secret Mission

While I was waiting for you, I thought of a brilliant method of sabotage. Make that saBOtage!

Here’s what you’ve got to do. Lean in close. Closer. CLOSER.

To saBOtage her plans, you’re going to take her bucket! Find Victoria’s Halloween Bucket.

Hurry back for your reward!

EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE! That’ll show her! I should make this into a hat... Oh, right.

Here’s your reward!


Ghostly Chaos

Howdy dowdy, Ghost Hunter! Time to steal some more ghosts from Victoria! MUHAHAHAHAH!

Collect 21 Vampire Ghosts, 6 Bat Ghosts, and 59 Candies.

You’ve played the game before. Do you task and come back for a reward!

YES! Excellent! I just saw her running around confused!

You’ve certainly earned your reward!


Villain to Thwart

Another task to undo what you’ve done. *Sigh* Ghost Hunter, do you do whatever you’re told by anyone?

Because I like that about you! That and your sparkling personality!

But enough of that! We have a villain to thwart! Find and jump through the purple ring.

Hurry right back here for a reward!

What a good hunter you are! Yes, you are! Ghost hunter! I got you something!

TA-DA! I got you a reward!


Having a Blast

Her plan is in shambles! We have just a bit more chaos to create. Isn’t this a BLAST?

Huh, a blast might be a good idea. I’ll save it for another night.

For now, vacuum 27 Soul Caster Ghosts, 11 Bat Ghosts, and 41 Candies.

You’ve played the game before. Do you task and come back for a reward!

Ghost Hunter, you’ve returned! And you messed up Victoria’s plans! You earned a reward!

Take a Break

You work so hard, Ghost Hunter! You deserve a break! And what better way to break them than to try my maze!

Yes, MY maze! The maze of Bo the great and powerful TM! And you know what that means...

QUEST TIME! MUAHAHAHAHA! Complete the obby and float your way back for a reward!

Well, you lose points for not floating, but you gain points for flare!

I think you’ve done well enough for your reward! Try not to spend it all in one place.

Or do! In fact, PLEASE DO! Then you’ll have to come back for more tasks! :D


Nail in the Coffin

We’re nearing the end, Ghost Hunter/ I know what will be the final nail in Victoria’s coffin.

The problem is that you’re not strong enough for it yet. Easy squeezy lemon cheesy!

I have a task to help you get up to stuff that’s super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Open an event pet crate, buy a hoverboard and yeet yourself my way for reward!

o.O Ghost Hunter! Looking good! You’re looking pretty powerful and that means a lot coming from me!

HEY! Did your creators not teach you manners?

What do you mean you weren’t created at midnight by a tired team of game developers and a loopy writer?

Next you’re going to tell me that you don’t have a series of random and unexplained abilities.

NO! YOU POOR THING! Here, reward will make you feel better.



If I have a soldier in my army every time I went off on a tangent... Well, I guess I’d have an army.

Speaking of armies, we still need to recuse some pitiful ghosts from Victoria’s clutches!

Have you ever seen a scarecrow before? No, well get ready! Vacuum some more ghosts.

And if you do really well... A scare might just crow at you.

Oh, and MAYBE you’ll get a reward!


We’re an unstoppable team, pal! You’re my favourite underling! Fine, you can be a major... or a general.

Maybe a major general? Doesn’t matter! I don’t know ranks anyway!

What really matters is your reward! TA-DA!


Only Room for One

It’s almost time for sad hugs and fond farewells! BUT FIRST WE HAVE TO MAKE SURE THAT-


THAT! We’re going to make sure Victoria can’t merge ghosts ever again!

I AM THE VILLAIN OF GHOST SIMULATOR! NOT HER! But also helping ghosts part. Definitely that.

Collect 19 Soul Caster Ghosts, 7 Bat Ghosts, and 37 Candies.

Once you return, it’s reward time! Also, time for the last task, but mostly reward time!

What? What time is it? What are you talking about?

Just kidding~! I knew all along! It’s reward time! But only because I like you so much. :D

I don’t hand out rewards to just anyone. It’s only because we’re such good...

Friends. :) NOW SCRAM! Wait no don’t. I have another task for you!

NO! YOU POOR THING! Here, reward will make you feel better.


Ready for Battle

Ohohohohohoho! I would love to see the look on Victoria’s face when you finish this task!

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHA- What? OH! The task! Easy sauce! All you have to do is... *Drum roll*

Defeat Frankie in the Attic 3 times. Yes, you heard correctly, folks! Three! Not one, two, or twelve!

THREE! And then scurry back to your dear friend Bo for a reward.

We did it! What a team! It was  definitely a team effort. 100 percent. Well... Maybe I did a LITTLE more.

It was my plan!

NO WAIT FINE! It was all you. All you! A little me. A sah, a sprinkle maybe.

Either way, what matters is that my army has grown and Victoria’s experiments have been stopped.

The only thing left to do? Hand you your reward and say goodbye. O.O

Well, goodbye now!

~The End~

KIDDING! That’s one of my special mini Bo’s. How do I make them?

I’ve been told by my legal team that I can’t answer that question.

Don’t worry about it! Keep me safe and treat me well! :) See you next time, Ghost Hunter! ;)

Additional Unfinished Quest Quotes
Post-Quest Quotes

Marker for missing dialogue that Wiki editors have been so far unable to locate/record, usually because it was cut or skipped over in a youtube video.


  • There was a mistake in his 12th quest, where he says to collect 33 masked spirit ghosts, but the requirements are 20.