Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
1 Basic Hoverboard
2 Red Camo Board
3 Tie Dye Board
4 Watermelon Board
5 Thunder Board
6 Ecto-Board
7 XBoard
8 Chromaboard
9 Logboard
10 Sk8board
11 Alien Board
12 Surfboard
13 Magma Slab
14 YouTuber Board
15 Shattered
16 Paradox
17 Flameboard
18 Revboard
19 Hyperspace
20 8 Bit
21 Gamma Board
22 Fishbone
23 Jet Stream
25 Royal
26 Ace
27 Gem Ship
28 Volt
29 Flimsy
30 Sunset
31 Moon Rider
32 Moon Rock
33 Stardust
34 Star Fleet
35 Space Ship
36 Void Runner
37 Candy
38 Maple
39 Memory
40 Northern Lights
41 Goldie
42 Trippy
43 Hot
44 Lightspeed
45 Pelican
46 Riptide
47 Magic Sword
48 Race Cart
49 Leafy
50 Scales
51 Giant Butterfly
52 Spike
54 Nest
55 Beast Hunter
56 Falcon
57 EXplore
58 White Out
59 Pursuit
60 Quad
61 Twin Thrusters
62 The Pipe
63 Rainbow
64 Zap
66 Scoop
67 Creamcile
68 Rockin' Roller
69 Starboard
70 n00b
71 Chocolate
72 Strawberry
73 Sprinkles
74 Lolly
75 Ice Cream Sammy
76 Flight
77 Lifecycle
78 Splice
79 Doodle
80 Mystic
81 Shards
82 Royalty
83 Vineshaft
84 Shield
85 Click
86 Sunrize
87 Flox
88 Halogen
89 Warpdrive
90 Orbit
91 Airplane
92 Ghostly
93 Cursed
94 Halloween-Bit
95 Feather Shock
101 Broom
102 Fire Broom
103 Poison Spike
104 RIP
105 The Bug
106 Tricks
108 Jester
109 Poison Broom
110 Lit
111 Wing
112 Crawler
113 Darkwing
114 Soulfire
115 Treats
116 Toxic Trident
117 Venom Trident
118 Evil Trident
119 Flying Coffin
120 Insight
121 Ticktock
122 Earth Staff
123 Water Staff
124 Fire Staff
125 Candy Bar
126 Cleaver
128 The AXE
129 Dungeon Gate
130 Forcefield
131 Eve
132 Swamp Glider
133 R.A.K.E.
134 Tsunami
135 V8
136 Red Present
137 Yellow Present
138 Purple Present
139 Mistletoe
140 Snowballs
141 Nightlight
142 Christmas Tree
143 Red Stocking
144 Green Stocking
145 Blue Stocking
146 Santa's Cookie
147 Chimney
148 Snowman
149 Snow Shovel
150 Santa's Sleigh
151 Candy Cane
152 Ginger
153 Icy
154 Santa's Hat
155 Snowfall
156 North Pole
157 Christmas-Bit
158 Ice
159 Snowglobe Board
160 Nutcracker
161 Christmas Branch
162 Frozen
163 2020 Firework
164 Toboggan
165 Purple Stacks
166 Green Stacks
167 Red Stacks
168 Tri-Jet
169 Off-Road
170 Zoomer
171 S-Model
172 Ribbon
173 Piano
174 Blox Bytes
175 Space Shuttle
176 Octane
177 Marine
178 Lovestruck
179 RKT-Blue
180 RKT-Red
181 RKT-Green
182 RKT-S
183 RKT-X
184 Gemwarp
185 Sky Surfer
187 Green Brush
188 Green Eggship
189 Yellow Eggship
190 Blue Eggship
191 Egg Basket
192 Nom Nom
193 Eggo
194 Yellow Brush
195 Blue Brush
196 Pink Eggship
197 EAS-T3R
198 Glowstone
199 Trinket
200 Skyquake
201 Carrot Inferno
202 Easter-Bit
203 Egg Fury
204 Chalkboard
205 Pugmaster
206 Oblivion
207 A-Wing
208 Speed
209 B-L-O-X
210 Mr. JAWZ
211 Green ORBs
212 Pink ORBs
213 Teal ORBs
215 CUB3
216 Backdoor
217 GRID
218 Sky Fly
219 Eggdrop
222 Daisy
223 Carrocket
224 Kite
225 Woosh
226 Giga
227 Twilight
228 Front Door
229 Sonicshock
230 Seagull
231 Roboto
232 Glamor
233 Bright Bit
234 Monochrome
235 Beast Runner
236 Acrylic
237 Anniversary
238 Majesty
239 Spectrum
240 Broken
241 <3
242 Hive
243 Karma
244 Orba
245 The Other Hand
246 Furyflight
247 Skylight
248 Bo-ard
249 Earth
251 Dia
252 MakkieMon
253 Water
254 Nub
255 Flash
256 Thexz
257 Air
258 Sunrize
259 Phoenix
260 Didi
261 Light
263 Luna
264 CovenK
265 Fire
266 USB
267 Drifty
268 Goro7
269 The End Code
270 Flop
271 The Final
272 Bit Missile
273 U.F.O.
274 Bi-Bit
275 Hollowbit
276 Bit-Box
277 Widow
278 Vanity
279 Gem Beam
280 Cog Ship
281 X-Zost
282 Diamond Wing
283 Glow Jet
284 Droplet
285 Ghastly Treasure
287 Scuba Sub
288 Anchor
289 The Bottle
290 Trident
291 The Fishbowl
293 Star Ship
294 Dark Pearl
295 Pixel Ghost
296 The Key
297 Duskseeker
298 Ghost Phone
299 Ghost Train
300 Demonwing
301 Batwing
302 Frankenboard
303 Candy Express
304 Grave Robber
305 Webwick
306 Atom Surfer
307 Omnibus
308 The Cauldron
309 Rattle
310 Voxfury
311 Hallow Spirit
312 Zombo Duck
313 Final Voyage
314 Bonesaw
315 Vortex
316 Grimkeeper
317 Flint
318 Star Jumper
319 Twisted
320 Flutterfloat
321 Treat Bagger
322 Sorcerer's Guide
323 Hallow's Eve
324 Hot Diggity Dog
325 Bloom
326 Crystaline
327 Furyline
328 Turkey Boy
329 Smores
330 Mr. Gobble
331 The Void
332 Uplift
333 Dynamite
334 Techno Grid
335 Heartfelt
336 Kunai
337 Champion
338 Lunar Cycle
339 Color Flight
340 Right Sock
341 Zippity
342 Sleighbob
343 Freddie
344 Choo-Choo
345 Fruitcake
346 Gifted
347 Mitten
348 Pengski
349 Sweet Ride
350 Yeti
351 Superstar
352 Gingersled
353 Left Sock
354 Astro Board
355 Present Machine
356 Winter's Breath
357 Winter Globe
358 Eve's Bloom
359 Treeflight
360 Frosted
361 Frostslayer
362 Seat of Power
363 Frost Feathers
364 Giftwarming
365 Fireflight 2021
366 Wind Wave
367 Wave Surfer
368 Starfly
369 Heliboard
370 Nachos
371 Prehistoric
372 PBJ
373 Leo's Bane
374 Frostfire
375 Chromafloat
376 Flameheart
377 Wings Of Duality
378 Frigid
379 Reflection
380 Fancy Hammy
381 Wormhole
382 Lucky Carpet
383 Ghostly Glider
384 TONK
385 Royal Pie
386 Alpha Vortex
388 Rainbow Rider
389 Chance
390 Disaster Blaster
391 Handcaster
392 Mod HAMMER
393 Admin HAMMER
394 Ghost Bumper
395 Sky Hopper
396 Monster Blazer
397 Bit Beat
399 Steveray
400 Hoshi Blade
401 Drone Dude
402 Egg Carton
403 Wave Breaker
404 Star Flutter
405 Bumble Board
406 Color Splode
407 Eggster
408 Ladybug
409 Zapped
410 Nested
411 Lilypad
412 Chirp
413 Polaroid
414 Wiggles
415 Cozy Buns
416 Futurestock
417 Chosen One
418 Jeepers
419 Visionscape
420 Conk's Tonk
421 Glismoda
422 Sweet Dreams
423 Hypnotic
424 Amethyst
425 Hunter's Island
426 Spirit Flame
427 Sorrow
428 Vladrider
429 Riddle
430 Tropics
431 Cursed Raider
432 Venom Sting
433 Petal Power
434 Ghost Surfer
435 Freedom
436 Spirit Flight
437 Sunflowery
438 Brain Freeze
439 Omni Star
440 Arachnid
441 Plasma
442 Jinshi
443 Executive Rider
444 Onyx
445 Light Warp
446 T-7
447 Sugoi
448 Quadcopter
449 Blu Speedster
450 Race Car
451 Starbow
452 Master Hunter
453 Squeezed
454 Cheddar Chaser
455 Strum
456 Diamonds
457 Ghost Mower
458 Tubby
459 Voyager
460 God Speed
461 Rhythm Rider
462 Scorpion
463 GSS Limitz
464 Grim's Portal
465 Pendulum
467 Maple Leaf
468 Ghoster Coaster
469 Loneshark
470 TacocaT
471 Ice Venom
472 Massacre
473 Doom Bringer
474 Undying
475 Conjured
476 Dream Caster
477 Victor Franken
478 Huginn
479 Corn Board McCoard
480 The Harvest
481 Fate's End
482 Screamin Skelly
483 Crucible
484 Nightmare Fuel
485 Ascension
486 Heinous Vision
487 Treaty Sweety
488 Underworld Rider
489 Broomstick Rider
490 Conflicted
491 Dream Invader
492 Fractured Jack
493 Hallow Invader
494 Drain Bamage
495 ZOM-B
496 Magnicity
497 Wicked Brew
498 Spider Bite
499 Gort
500 Spectral
501 Pumpkin Slice
502 Toasty Branch
503 Foxmaster
504 Flying Fungus
505 Mof Man
506 Ghostimatical
507 Fall Staff
508 Dessert Dasher
509 Pidgy
510 Strikes
511 Leaf Yeeter
512 Manny
513 Qualors
514 Bounty Harvest
515 Cinnastix
516 Snot Rocket
517 Wingcicle
518 Wooden Shoe
519 Gingerbread House
520 Peppermint
521 Igloo Train
522 Twisted Tree
523 Gingerbob
524 Holiday's Eve
525 Ice Bow
526 Snowplow
527 Surprise
528 Stargazer Bloom
529 Noobcicle
530 Hot Choco
531 I'm A Gift
532 Dream Runner
533 Ginger Tonk
534 Chocolate Loaf
535 Flake Surfer
536 Festive Narwhal
537 Ice Glider
538 Shooting Star 2022
539 Ornate
540 Rocking Horse
541 Blush
542 Ice Cubed
543 Frozen Gnome
544 Peppermint Rover
545 Gift Bearer
546 Prancer
547 Dancer
548 Comet
549 Vixen
550 Snow Angel
551 You Broke Me
552 Royal Tea Ride
553 North Pole Island
554 Riley's Ride
555 Spirit Glide
556 Violeta
557 Treasure Island
558 Glitched U100
559 Spirit Stream
560 Domain
561 Soul Rider
562 Currency King
563 Lemon Sting
564 Prototype
565 Cannonball
566 Hover Heart
567 Cherry Blossom
568 Koala
569 Crimson
570 Toymaker
571 Inflataboat
572 Dragonheart
573 Vulcan
574 Diamond Claw
575 Riley's Motorcycle
576 Detour
577 Jet Racer
578 Steve
579 Othello
580 Lucky Traveler
581 Nessy
582 Stealth
583 Food Tray
584 Big Mak Boat
585 Valiant Stinger
586 Sprouting
587 Soul Kittens
588 Ella Ella Eh
589 Stick Bugged
590 Loch
591 Elemental Flier
592 Egg Snatcher
593 Picnic
594 Honeystuck
595 Fae
596 Tulipa
597 Sky Wing
598 Quackery
599 Butterfly
600 Carrot Cart
601 Bun Basket
602 Magnificent Peaky Carriage
603 Bumble Cart
604 Pastel Fae
605 Honeysuckle
606 Vapor
607 Shining Jewels
608 Fallen Meep
609 Flowerbed
610 Leaf Bugson
611 Roller Skate
612 Chocolate Bunny
613 Vibrant Music
614 Bubbles
615 Mystic Sheldon
616 Mystic Mara Flower
617 SusBee
618 UniFloaty
619 Guardian Of The Depth
620 Caterpillar Cart
621 Television
622 Tranquility
623 Do Not Leak
624 Bubberfly
625 Dark Thunder
626 Dance
627 Static Wave
628 Target Acquired
629 Bon Appetit
630 Daisy Whirl
631 Blue FO
632 Miss Pickles
633 Sunray
634 Furyglider
635 Traveler
636 NightWing
637 Ion Flyer
638 Fresh Lemonade
639 Wander Wand
640 Guardian
641 Planet Drop
642 Groovy Van
643 Warrior's Blade
644 Elegant Grace
645 Royal Spades
646 Jungle Glow
647 Bento Board
648 Krepy Board
649 Cookie Cat
650 Summer Bearer
651 Ozone Power
652 Summer Tub
653 Viva La Joker
654 Ornate Glider
655 Magic Hats
656 Grand Leviathan
657 Flora Surfer
658 Petal Spinner
659 Jingle Dropfish
660 Dark Resistance
661 Phantom Castle
662 Alice's Memories
663 Viridescent
664 Rip Racer
665 Hallow Hallow
666 Slicer 2.0
667 Raveyard
668 Pumpkin Carriage
669 Death's Arm
670 Purple Playland
671 Experimental Ooze
672 Soul Sucker
673 Soul Trapper
674 Hallowed Ride
675 Hades Charriot
676 Shattered Pumpkin
677 Every Which Eye
678 Pumpkin Kart
679 Basilisk
680 Kitty Wizzy
681 Timesight
682 Morphly
683 Moonlight Fright
684 Mixie
685 Tricky and Treat
686 Divine Caster
687 Blue Ember
688 Tea Time
689 Embertail
690 Train Mimic
691 Tangled
692 Alpha Plane
693 Sushi Bun Bun
694 Twin Keepers
695 Turkey Dinner
696 Turkey King
697 Corn Glider
698 Shellshock Ripetide
699 Ghostly Ryder
700 Air GS
701 Memorize
702 Royally Flushed
703 Snow Mobile
704 Advanced North
705 Moonlight Midnight
706 Ginger Bath
707 Gift Spider
708 Menorah
709 Cloud Flight
710 Elf Shoe
711 Polar Bear Express
712 Crya
713 Sugar Deer
714 Pug Sleigh
715 Aurora Sweets
716 X-Mas Glitter
717 Ornamental Wonderland
718 Krepy Sleigh
719 Soulflake
720 Peppermint Dancer
721 Axolotl Popsicle
722 Tempus Wind
723 Starlength
724 Aikido
725 Natsu
726 Igloo Tonk
727 Lockcraker
728 Blizzard Wizard
729 Snailmower
730 Actual Starfishies
731 Contributing Minds
732 The Hoverboard
733 Rem Serenity
734 Crown Jewel
735 Nature Hotdog
736 Hello
737 Love Boat
738 Endlessness
739 Itty Bitty Livin' Space
740 Eyes Cold Lemonade
741 Prisma Lux
742 Shattered Lava
743 Twinkling Luck
744 Simulate Vortex
745 Void Kraken
746 Board
747 Kiwi Flavor
748 Lusterlight
749 Yummy
750 Beetle Glow
751 Corgi Scout
752 Egg Bearer
753 Easter Bearer
754 Don't Drop
755 Floracle
756 Forest Essence
757 Sparkling Alicorn
758 Lavender Flight
759 Faunascape
760 Eostre
761 Floral Shard
762 Egg Drifter
763 Frog Love
764 Aro Eclipse
765 Pearl Swimmer
766 Spring Bearer
767 Egg Tonk
768 Automa
769 Paladin
770 Speedchaser
771 Prism Dreamer
772 Riveting Racer
773 Steer
774 Bun Mobile
775 Big Chomper
776 Forest Ride
777 Easter Isle
778 Spring Swing
779 Egg Scepter
780 Stain Glass Flutter
781 Spring Splish
782 Excala
783 Box
784 Lil Boo Hoo
785 The Blimp
786 Cyber Shockwave
787 Mush Of Power
788 Tabby Tube
789 Taz Keeper
790 Ghost Sim Racer
791 Nebula Nora
792 Viber Wave
793 Voltaic
794 Intra Nova
795 Steampunk
796 Timescape
797 Nebular
798 Lovely Board
799 Gear Guardian
800 Jollywood
801 Comic Duality
802 Gem Alina
803 Gem Buster
804 Le Spoon
805 Mad Tea
807 Chromapaint
808 Cyber Cycle
809 Meek
810 Skylark
811 The Machine
812 Void Bloom
813 Fleur
814 Life Shard
815 A-Mazing Board
816 Everlasting
817 Archie's Eye
818 Looking Glass
819 Hand Of Cards
820 Princess Nebula
821 Butterflower
822 Astra Stars
823 Lemon Surfer
824 Legionsplat
825 Moss Log
826 Yolk
827 Chrono Chromatic
828 Ship Wander
829 Robo Copter
830 Inky Galaxy
831 Galactic Racer
832 Moonglade
833 Aqualoris
834 Targetis
835 Caged Diamond
836 Essence Blossom
837 Film Chroma
838 Invoke
839 Spectra
840 Fleeting Blue
841 Sands of Time
842 Super Scan
843 Mythos
844 Honey Dripper
845 Satellite
846 Guide the Way
847 Sweet Brew
848 Ghostly Harp
849 Punch Surprise
850 Lick
851 Systematic
852 Haunted Painting
853 Candle Beam
854 Vixen Flight
855 Pumpkin Snail
856 Phantom Spiral
857 Magic Man
858 Mummy Trap
859 Yummy Pie
860 Sky Wraith
861 Shimmer Skull
862 Dark Chaos
863 Tech Beetle
864 Astral Thesis
865 Solar Opposites
866 Space Gear
867 Sea Bun Bun
868 Pumpkin Spill
869 Cybernetic
870 The Red One
871 Techno Cerberus
872 Potato Kart
873 Agaricus Bisporus
874 Dining In
875 Lump
876 Star Pine
877 Present Runner
878 Glazed Flora
879 Elf Energy
880 Frosted Swirl
881 Snowsplash
882 Holiday Wreath
883 Present Snap
884 Santa Wreath
885 Gingercycle
886 Santa Duck
887 Frost Flower
888 Snowboat
889 Creamy Treat
890 Pop Sled
891 Crackle
892 Ice Fairy
893 Snowlight
894 Mrs. Frost
895 Firebird Glider
896 Crysta
897 Jolly Wings
898 Honey Bee
899 Cute Cake
900 Retro Flower
901 Dynamite Carrot
902 Poseidon
903 Equinox Surfer
904 Machine Made
905 Movie Night
906 Photoshoot
907 Reverie
908 Flame Burner
909 King Of the Board
910 Memory Woven
911 Bleeeh
912 Remnant Ruler
913 Forsaken Bloom
914 Bit Wings
915 Spring Cleaning
916 Pastelium
917 Roseate
918 Blossom Stider
919 Lily Bell
920 Fragrance Flora
921 Carrot Bearer
922 Boba Cart
923 Chromas Falls
924 Matrial
925 Honey Slicker
926 Basket Case
927 Egg Cracker
928 Jet Egg
929 Shortcake Carriage
930 Ivy Nettle
931 Wisteria Butterfly
932 Wheelbarrow
933 Mon-egg-chy
934 Easterland Terrarium
935 Phantom Clockwork
936 Retelling
937 Lunar Whale
938 Sparkler
939 Gift Box
940 Calligraphy
941 Birthday Bash
942 Penguin Pop
943 Star Dreamer
944 Ooga Booga
945 Sun Blazer
946 Shell Surfer
947 Lucky Clover
948 Ice Cream Melt
949 Lucky Arm
950 Ayla
951 Lucky Pot
952 Synth Style
953 Gracious Patron
954 Player Analysis
955 Holo-Ruby
956 Holo-Amethyst
957 Holo-Pearl
958 Holo-Coal
959 Holo-Split
960 Interstellar
961 Ghostly Islands