Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki
Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki

The Atlantis Shop appeared during the Atlantis Event. It contained a Pet Crate and a Board Shop with pets and boards sold for Sand Dollars.

Atlantis Pet Crate[]

The Atlantis Pet Crate sold for 500 Sand Dollars.
NOTE: The chances of getting the pets down below does not include the +10% Group Luck.

Atlantis Pet Crate
Rarity Pet Crate Chance 2x Luck
Common Fishstick 60% 57%
Uncommon Sandy 27% 26%
Rare Inception 10% 11%
Legendary Castletop 2.6% 5.2%
Godly Ducky 0.4% 0.8%

Atlantis Board Shop[]

The Atlantis Board Shop sold boards for different amounts of Sand Dollars.

Board Rarity Cost
Droplet Common 500
Ghastly Treasure Uncommon 900
DRILL Rare 1,600
Scuba Sub Legendary 4,000
Anchor Godly 10,000