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Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki

Golden Turkey Leg Crates were sold in the Thanksgiving Shop during the 2020 Thanksgiving Event.

Thanksgiving Pet Crates[]

2020 Thanksgiving Crate

The 2020 Thanksgiving Pet Crate was available to purchase for 250 Golden Turkey Legs or by using Crate Keys during the 2020 Thanksgiving Event. It contained a variety of pets most of which were not Thanksgiving themed.

2020 Thanksgiving Pet Crate
Rarity Pet Chance
Common Fractal 60%
Chi Chi
Uncommon Bathtub 27%
Vacation Buddy
Rare Shadowgleam 12%
Legendary Floater 2.6%
Godly King Pickle 0.4%

Thanksgiving Board Shop[]

The 2020 Thanksgiving Board Shop sold boards for different amounts of Golden Turkey Legs.

Board Rarity Cost
Crystaline Common 500
Furyline Uncommon 1,100
Turkey Boy Rare 2,500
Smores Legendary 7,500
Mr. Gobble Godly 20,000